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St Peter’s School

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Year 1 - Foxes

Week commencing 11.7.22

In DT we have been thinking about different fruits. After tasting some, we selected three to put on our own fruit kebab. We prepared the fruit ourselves and threaded it onto a kebab stick. Then we enjoyed eating them!



Week commencing 4.7.22

We have been thinking about settings for our stories this week. We have described them with adjectives and thought about what we might see and hear.

Week commencing 27.6.22


This week we have been learning about trees. We used an identification guide to find the names of the trees in the school grounds. 


Week commencing 20.6.22


This week has been sports week. Today, we have had a rugby taster session which was great fun. We are looking forward to Sports Day tomorrow.

Week commencing 13.6.22

In music, we are learning about rhythm. Our lessons take place with Miss Wray in the studio. Here we are using the rhythm sticks.

In science we have been learning about plants that grow in our gardens. We looked at a selection and learned their names. Then we drew one and coloured it using watercolour pencils. Then we labelled the parts.

Week commencing 6.6.22

This week we have been learning about time.


Our plants are growing well in the sensory garden. We've planted beans, lettuce and radish. And our sunflowers are doing well too.

Week commencing 16.5.22

In our art lessons, we have been working with textiles. This week, we made a wax resist on calico. First, we took a rubbing using oil crayons - most of us used a weaving frame to give a grid pattern. Then, using different colours, we embellished it with patterns. Finally we applied a wash. Here are some of the pieces of work.

Look at how our runner beans have grown. We are hoping to plant them out in the sensory garden later this week.

Week commencing 9.5.22

We went to the Chiltern Open Air Museum this week. Although it was a wet day, we really enjoyed learning about what life was like in the past.


Firstly, we learned how to make butter.

Then we learned about wash day, and what hard work it was! We washed clothes with a washboard, then put them through a mangle (with supervision!) and pegged them out to dry.

Finally, we learned how rag rugs were made using hessian and a 'prodder'. 

Week commencing 3.5.22

Our science topic this term is plants. We have been learning about where seeds come from, that they all look very different and produce different plants. This week, we each planted a seed in a small pot, which we will plant outside when they are big enough. We also planted some lettuce and radishes directly into one of the new beds in the sensory garden. Finally, we have planted some runner beans in the classroom so that we can watch them grow. Again, we will then plant them outside when they are big enough. 

Week commencing 28.4.22

In art this half-term, we are working with textiles. We have been learning how to weave.


In maths, we have been learning how to measure length, weight and capacity.


Week commencing 28.3.22

In PE this half term, we have been working on tennis skills.

Week commencing 21.3.22

As previously mentioned, we are making a chair for Little Bear in our DT lessons. We have learned how to roll paper to make a strong tube and how to attach the end of a tube to a flat surface. This week, we have begun to make our chairs. What do you think?

Week commencing 14.3.22

We have been learning about money this week - always a useful skill! We have been making amounts to 10p trying to use the fewest coins that we could, and have been problem solving. 

In Literacy, we have begun to write our own version of Pog. Here is some of our writing. 

Thursday 10th March

This week we have read the story Pog and made a story map of it.

Today, we have designed our own monsters. Do you think they are scary?

Thursday 3rd March - World Book Day

Today was World Book Day and we all came to school in a T-shirt decorated as the cover of our favourite book. Here we are in our T-shirts.

We chose The Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram as our book for the day. We decorated our door as the front cover of the book. Then we wrote our own version of the story, painted aliens and made junk model rockets.

We also painted pictures of aliens.

Week commencing 21.2.22

In Design & Technology this half-term, we are going to design and make a chair for Baby Bear to replace the one broken by Goldilocks. We will only be allowed to use paper and tape. We began this week by thinking about the different parts of a chair and what their function is.


We are writing a non-chronological report about forest animals over the next two weeks. We have been working on using the conjunction 'and' in our sentences.

Week commencing 7.2.22

This week we are writing a poem with a structure in literacy lessons. Here we are reciting 'I like to fly my aeroplane' by Gervase Phinn.


Still image for this video

Week commencing 31.1.22

We have been learning about the local area in geography lessons. This week, we have been thinking about human features (built by humans) and physical features (natural things such as rivers). We conducted a short field trip in the roads and places close to school and collected data about the features we found.

In PE, we have been practising our dribbling skills in basketball.

Week commencing 24.1.22

In art this week, we have been learning how to mix green from yellow and blue. We began with yellow and added a little blue each time. Next week, we are going to draw a dragon and mix our own green to paint it.

We will be writing a story based on the book Beegu over the next two weeks. We began on Monday by completing a 'cold task' - writing a story about our class mascot Fox. Here are some of our stories.


Week commencing 17.1.22

We are learning about drawing and painting in art this half-term. We have been exploring the different marks you can make with media such as pencils, charcoal and pastels. We read the story of Hairy Maclary and looked closely at the different textures of the dogs' fur. Here are some of our versions of the the dogs in the story.

Week commencing 10.1.22

A belated Happy New Year everybody! We have had a busy and exciting week so far!

In Literacy lessons, we are learning about recipes. We followed a recipe from 'Gruffalo Crumble' by Julia Donaldson to make 'Terrible Tusks' (fruit kebabs). It was great fun, if a little sticky! They were delicious.


In maths, we have been learning about length and height. We ordered strips of paper and ribbon from shortest to longest, making sure that they were lined up carefully at one end. Then we ordered ourselves from shortest to tallest. Positions in the line were often hotly contested!

Week commencing 13.12.21

This week we performed our Christmas play -  'Lights! Camel! Action!'. It was great fun and we all enjoyed it very much. The singing and dancing was 'fabulous, darling'! Here are some photos of us in our costumes.

Week commencing  6.12.21

In geography this half-term, we have been learning about the weather and how it affects the world around us. We looked at a globe and identified hot and cold countries, discussing how far from the equator they were. We learned that, although the Sahara Desert and Antarctica are very different in temperature, they are both deserts because there is very little rainfall.


It was lovely to see so many of you at the Year 1 phonics and reading workshop this week. The PowerPoint slides are attached in case you were unable to come.

Week commencing 29.11.21

In maths, we have been learning about teen numbers and have learned that teen means ten. We have made these numbers using lots of different apparatus in order to develop our understanding of them as ten and some more - 15 is ten and 5 more, for example.

Week commencing 22.11.21


In Design and Technology this half term, we are learning how to make pictures move. Over the last two weeks, we have learned how to make a sliding mechanism and a lever, or pivot. Here are a few of our pictures.

Week commencing 15.11.21


In our English lessons, we have been reading Stanley's Stick by John Hegley. You might like to read it yourselves at home. In the story, Stanley uses his stick as a toy - it becomes a fishing rod, a witch's broomstick, a pen and lots more. We began by finding a stick of our own on the playground and imagining what we might use it as. Here is some of our writing.

Week commencing 8.11.21


We have been thinking about seasonal changes in science. We went for a walk around the school grounds looking for signs of autumn. In geography, we kept a weather chart for the week.

Week commencing 1.11.21


This half-term, we are learning about books and pictures with moving parts in Design Technology. We explored lots of books with flaps, sliders and pop-ups, then drew a picture of one of the pages. If you have books like this at home, you might like to read and talk about them - or even bring them into class to share.

Week commencing 18.10.21


In music, we have been learning about beat and rhythm and have been using the rhythm sticks and shakers.

We have finished our printmaking topic in art and are really pleased with our final prints.

Week commencing 11.10.21


Over the last few weeks we have been learning about our senses. We did a listening walk around school and heard all sorts of noises inside and outside.

Last week, we we learning about our sense of touch. We wondered if we could identify things without looking at them -  just by touching them. Mrs Walton put some beans, some feathers, some jelly, some dough and some pasta in bowls and hid them inside black bags. It was fun and we got them all right!

As we have been learning about old teddies in our history lessons,  we all brought our favourite teddy to school last Friday and wrote about them. It was also dressing up day! A very exciting day all round!

Week commencing 4.10.21


This half term we are learning about printmaking in art. We have already printed with junk and objects from the classroom, and we have also made a stencil from card to print with. This week, we made a printing block from dough, making interesting marks in it with various objects we found in the classroom. Then we covered it in paint and made a print. We were pleased with the results.

Week commencing 27.9.21


In gym lessons this week, we have been working on making all sorts of shapes - straight, tucked, star, pike, and lots of others too. 

Week commencing 20.9.21


This week we had the opportunity to try out some circus skills at the circus skills workshop on Monday. It was fun!

Week commencing 13.9.21

This week History off the Page visited school to run a toys workshop for us. This was a very exciting day full of lots of different activities. We had the chance to handle and play with many different toys from the past. Our workshop leader told us lots of interesting things about them. Then, in the afternoon, we made toys to take home - a spinner, cup and ball, a fishing game, a puppet. A big thankyou to all the parent helpers who made the day possible. Have a look at our lovely photos.

Week commencing 6.9.21

We have had a great start to Year 1. This week we have been settling into our new routines and exploring the different areas of our learning environment.

We have been writing 'All About Me' books. Here is some of our writing.
