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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


IPSEA (Independent Parental Special Education Advice) is a registered charity providing the following:

  • Free independent advice on local education authorities' (LEAs') duties to provide for children with special educational needs.
  • Free advice/representation at the Special Educational Needs Tribunal for parents who want to appeal against an LEA decision. This service is provided by volunteers who have undergone specialist training for the role of parent representative.

IPSEA may be able to help in the following types of circumstance.

  • If you are not happy at the way the school is meeting your child's special educational needs.
  • If you want the LEA to assess your child but they refuse.
  • If the LEA refuse to issue a Statement after assessing your child.
  • If you want to appeal against a statement when it is first made or when it is amended.
  • If the LEA will not put the school you prefer on your child's Statement.
  • If you are unhappy with the amount of help your child is being given.
  • If your child has been excluded from school.

Tel (Freephone Helpline): 0800 018 4016 Tel (Tribunal Helpline): 0845 602 9579
Tel (Office): 01799 582030
