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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Where can I find more information?

If you would like more information please arrange a time to meet with Mrs Hawker (Inclusion Leader) who can be contacted using the following details:

01727 853075


These details can also be used to contact Governors who have a responsibility for monitoring and supporting the school on SEN matters. Alternatively, contact the school office and they will make sure the correct person receives your message. 


To find out more about what the local authority can offer, please refer to the ‘Local Offer’ which can be found at:



DSPL is a Hertfordshire-wide partnership approach where parents, carers, staff in early years settings and schools, further education colleges, local authority officers and representatives from other agencies, work together as part of an Area Group, to ensure that there is a range of provision and support services available in their local community that :

• Meets the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), aged 0-25, as close to home as possible.

• Widens choice for children and parers/carers

• Removes barriers to learning

• Improves outcomes for wellbeing and attainment

• Uses resources more effectively

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's