Carol Service Reminder
Just a brief reminder than on Tuesday 3rd December, children in Y4 will be participating in a carol service at St Albans Cathedral. Family members are welcome to come along and be a part of the congregation. The service takes place from 10.30-11.30. Children will return to school for lunchtime.
Experiments and Investigations!
On Tuesday afternoon, we had lots of fun in Science investigating solids, liquids and gases. This was the first lesson of our new topic: States of Matter. The children learnt so much by engaging in hands-on practical activities. I wonder if they can tell you about one of the investigations we did and what we found out?
Final Class Assembly Reminders
We are now doing our final rehearsals for our Romans class assembly tomorrow and are really looking forward to performing for you all in the morning!
As it is pyjama day for Children in Need, the children do not need to wear a costume for the assembly. They are more than welcome to wear something related to the Romans if they wish, but this is not a requirement.
Year 4 have continued to work really hard in this last week before a well-deserved half term! We have created posters to show off our knowledge of our Science topic, recapped the formal written methods of addition and subtraction and written poems about dragon's from unusual places.
Wishing you all a great half term break!
Times Tables
This week during maths lessons we have been focusing on consolidating our knowledge of times tables. We have been counting in multiples of 6, 7 and 9. The children have created a pack of flash cards for themselves to practise at home and at school in addition to TT Rockstars. All of the children have been working so hard and improving quickly - well done!
Animals, including Humans
We are now 4 weeks into our first Science topic of Year 4! So far we have learned about the different types of teeth and their functions and made scientific predictions about animal teeth. We have also discussed the human digestive system - I wonder if the children remember all the different parts?
Talk For Writing
This week, Year 3 and 4 have started their first Talk for Writing unit in English lessons. Over the next few weeks, children will be exploring and writing their own discussion texts, ensuring they include both sides of an argument. We used freeze-frames to show how teachers, parents and pupils feel when set a new piece of homework.
19th September
First Swimming Lesson
Yesterday, Year 4 had their first swimming lesson at Westminster Lodge. Everyone did brilliantly, especially those who had not been swimming before. I look forward to seeing how they all progress each week and become even more confident.
12th September