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St Peter’s School

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Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Year 1 - Foxes

Week commencing 3.7.23

This week in Art, we have begun to transfer our sari fabric design onto fabric. We drew the design first in pencil and then added colour using oil crayons. Once they are finished we will add a wash over the top to give a background colour.

Week commencing 28.6.23

This week in science we have been using an identification guide to name the trees in the school grounds. 

Week commencing 19.6.22

This week is sports week. On Monday, we really enjoyed a rugby taster session. We played lots of fun games.

Our trip

On Friday 16th June we visited Rye Meads Nature Reserve. We found out about plants and used a key to identify some trees. We also found out about the parts of a flowering plant and took leaf rubbings. In the afternoon, we had great fun pond dipping. We found newts, freshwater shrimp, bloodworms and lots more. We even found a water scorpion! It was a really fun day.

Week commencing 12.6.23

We took part in the Singathon this morning. Together with Mrs Baker, we sang all our favourite songs such as Yellow Submarine, Michael Finnigan and Start the Day in a Brilliant Way. It was a fun way to start the school day.


It is not too late to donate - The Give As You Live pages will be open for another week!


You can listen to snippets of each of the songs on the audio file.


  1. Wake up, shake up
  2. Start the day in a brilliant way
  3. Michael Finnigan
  4. Our wonderful world
  5. Sing a rainbow
  6. Lily the Pink
  7. Sing for the King
  8. Down by the bay
  9. Yellow Submarine
  10. We are Family

KS1 Singathon Selections .mp3

Week commencing 5.6.23

We have begun our new topic in art which is all about textiles. We began by looking at sari fabrics. We chose one and copied the designs on it. 

Week commencing 22.5.23

This week we have been making our chair for little bear in Design Technology. We could only use paper and sellotape. We tested whether it could support the weight of the teddy and discussed how we might improve it. Here are a few of the finished chairs.

Our nasturtium and runner bean seedlings are ready to be planted out in the school garden.

Week commencing 15.5.23

This week we have been learning about the parts of a plant - the leaf, the stem, the flower and the roots. We pulled up some weeds, stuck them to a piece of paper and labelled the parts. The sunflower, nasturtium and runner been seeds we planted two weeks ago are doing well. We will be planting them out in the school garden soon.

Week commencing 8.5.23

Our history topic is 'Changes in living memory'. This week, the children learned about how phones have changed over time. 

Week commencing 1.5.23

Our science topic this term is plants. We began by thinking about where plants come from and how we grow new ones. We cut open some fruits to find the seeds inside them and drew them with pastels.

Week commencing 24.4.23

In gym lessons this week, we have been practising forward rolls on a variety of apparatus.

Week commencing 27.3.23

This week, we have been thinking about spring. We explored our school grounds, looking for signs of spring. Here's what we found.

Week commencing 20.3.23

In geography lessons we have been thinking about our local area. This week, we carried out some fieldwork in the area immediately around school, looking for physical and human features, and making a tally chart of what we found. We managed to dodge the showers!

Week commencing 13.3.23

This week we carried out a science investigation. We wanted to see which material would make a good umbrella for teddy. We decided to test paper, plastic, foil and fabric. We were careful to make the test fair by putting the same amount of water on each material. Plastic and foil were the best materials, we found. It was great fun.

Week commencing 6.3.23

Last Friday we performed our class assembly for the school and for our parents. It was all about Neil Armstrong, who we've been learning about in our history lessons as one of our 'Great Explorers'. We were very proud of ourselves and really enjoyed it.

In maths this week, we've been counting and making amounts of money.

Week commencing 27.2.23

In art this half-term we are drawing and painting. We began by experimenting, mark-making with different media. We used pencil, pastel and charcoal.

Then we read the story of Hairy Maclary, and used the same media to reproduce the texture of the different dogs' fur. You might like to read a Hairy Maclary story at home, if you have one.

Week commencing 20.2.23

In our Literacy lessons we have been reading 'The Last Noo-noo' by Jill Murphy. We have been putting ourselves in the position of different characters to think about what they might say and how they might feel. We have been writing speech bubbles for them, and writing questions we'd like to ask them.

Week commencing 6.2.23

This week we have been making our pictures with moving parts in Design Technology. We chose a background and added sliders, levers and lift the flaps which we had learned to make over the previous few weeks. We are really pleased with the finished pictures.

Week commencing 23.1.23

In science we are learning about materials. We looked at a collection of items from the classroom and sorted them according to the material they were made from - glass, plastic, wood, fabric, paper or metal. 

Week commencing  16.1.23

In Literacy this week, we have begun to learn about instructions. We have read some of the recipes from Gruffalo Crumble, a cookbook based on Julia Donaldson's famous character. We have been learning about 'bossy' verbs which give us instructions or commands, and have written some for the classroom. Here are some of our signs.

Week commencing 9.1.23

In maths this week, we have been comparing length and height. We ordered strips of ribbon from shortest to longest, taking care to line them up carefully. Then we worked in groups to order ourselves from shortest to tallest. We are going on to find things longer and shorter than a ruler, and then to compare the weights of objects asking which is heavier and which is lighter.

Week commencing 5.12.22

In science, we have already learned that you can group animals into different classes, or families. This week, we've learned that you can also group them according to what they eat and that  these groups are called carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Week commencing 28.11.22

This week in gym lessons we have been practising making straight and star shapes in the air. 

Week commencing 21.11.22

In art this week, we made a slab relief block from clay and used it to make prints. First we flattened our clay, then we made marks in it. Finally we put paint on and placed our paper to top to take a print. We were really pleased with the results. You could try it at home too.

Week commencing 14.11.22

In science, we have been learning about the different animal classes (groups) - mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, amphibians and invertebrates. We sorted pictures of animals into the correct animal class.

In RE, we learned about the Hindu festival of Diwali, including the story of Rama and Sita and the importance of light in the story. We decorated our own Rangoli pattern and tried very hard to make them symmetrical.

Week commencing 7.11.22

In gym lessons we have be learning different positions such as tuck and straight. Then we learned how to combine them to do a forward roll.

On Wednesday the children really enjoyed a drama workshop all about magic! 

Week commencing 31st October

This week we have begun our printmaking topic in Art. We learned about primary colours and experimented with printing with junk.

Week commencing 17th October

The gardening club picked these lovely dahlias from our school garden.

The children were really excited about making and eating their fruit kebabs in design technology lessons this week. They were delicious!

Week commencing 10th October

In science, we are learning about our senses. This week, we investigated whether we could identify an item just from it's smell. In our mystery beakers were coffee, lemon, shower gel, herbs and garlic. 

Trip to College Lake

Our trip to College Lake took place this week. We had a lovely time using our senses to make potions and to listen to the sounds around us. We learned that all living things need shelter, water, air and food (SWAF). We explored, played games and built dens. It was a great day which the children really enjoyed.

Week commencing 3rd October

In Design Technology this half term, we are learning how to prepare fruit and will be making a fruit kebab during the last week before the holiday. This week, we've practised holding a knife and cutting with it. We used playdough to practise with.

Week commencing 26th September

In music with Miss Wray, the children have been listening to and copying short rhythms using the claves. 

Week commencing 19th September

In PE this week, we have been working on throwing, catching and aiming with Mr Morgan.

Meet the teacher presentation

Phase 2 sounds.mp4

This is "Phase 2' sounds pronunciation video to support with phonics at home

Wednesday 14th September

In history this half-term, we are learning about toys in the past. Yesterday, we all took part in a Toys Workshop where we had the chance to play with and learn about many, many old toys. In the afternoon, we were able to make lots of toys such as a little boat, a cup and ball or a peg doll. The whole day was great fun and the children learned a lot. Thank you to our parents who came to help us.
