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Year 1 - Rabbits



The children had a visit from Perform today. They had lots of fun pretending to be Peter Pan!


We have started our new Art topic of Textiles. The children looked at sari patterns and then had a go at sketching the pattern, 



Congratulations to KS1 for their efforts at the Sing-a-thon. They worked really hard and managed to sing all 10 songs we had planned in the time!


It is not too late to donate - The Give As You Live pages will be open for another week!

You can listen to snippets of each of the songs on the audio file.


  1. Wake up, shake up
  2. Start the day in a brilliant way
  3. Michael Finnigan
  4. Our wonderful world
  5. Sing a rainbow
  6. Lily the Pink
  7. Sing for the King
  8. Down by the bay
  9. Yellow Submarine
  10. We are Family

KS1 Singathon Selections .mp3


In Science we have been learning about materials and their properties. This week we used a torch to find out whether different materials were opaque or transparent. 


We have started our new Literacy text called 'Beegu'. The children have written predictions about who Beegu is and have been writing sentences using the conjunction 'and'. In Maths, we have been finding different ways of making the same number, for example 6+6 =12 and 8+4 =12. 


We have started our new topic of Materials in Science. The children did a sorting activity where they sorted objects into Glass, Metal, Plastic, paper, Fabric or Wood. They the drew some objects and labelled what they are made of. 



In Maths this week, we have been learning about length, height and weight. We ordered pieces of ribbon from shortest to longest, then ordered ourselves by height - shortest to tallest. We weighed different items around the classroom and made predictions about which one would be heavier/lighter. 

The children have continued to work hard on their non chronological reports finding out and writing about foxes and hedgehogs, and have been using the conjunction 'and'. In Maths we have been working on 3D shape and sorting them according to their properties. 


In Maths this week we have been working on odd and even numbers and finding out whether a number can be shared equally or not. 

In Literacy, we have started our unit of work on non chronological reports. We started off by reading the story Owl Babies, then worked as a whole class to mind map facts about owls. The children then wrote some brilliant sentences, remembering to use capital letters and full stops!


In Computing this week, the children have been learning to make pictograms. We made a whole class pictogram about how they travelled to school. The children then collected data from each other about their favourite fruit, and inputted it onto purple Mash.

We have started our new book this week in Literacy called Stanley's Stick. The children found their own sticks on the playground, then imaginatively decided what their stick could be - lots of wands, swords and even vampires! The children then did some excellent writing using the sentence starter 'My stick is...' focusing on using a capital letter and a full stop. 

We have been finding the difference in Maths this week. The children have been excellent at this, and recognised that the difference is the amount between the two numbers. Well done! 



We have started our topic of Printmaking in Art this week. The children explored different objects to print with, and used primary colours to make an overlay print. 


This week in D and T we have been completing our topic of 'Preparing Fruit'. The children tasted a range of fruits, then made a plan selecting their 3 favourite fruits. We then used these to make fruit kebabs. Pictures to follow!


We have been learning about part/whole (cherry) models in Maths this week and partitioning a number. In Science we have been learning about our senses. This week we have done an experiment using our sense of smell, and on Friday we will be doing another experiment using our sense of taste! 

What a fantastic trip to College Lake! We started off with learning about what bears need to survive - SWAF (shelter, water, air and food) and played a teddy bear game, we then went on a listening walk to hear things in nature, we made a special potion using the herbs and finally finished the day with den building. The children were absolutely brilliantly behaved and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! 

We have been learning a new text in Literacy this week, called 'Knock Knock, Who's There?' The children have made simple changes to the story by choosing a new character and using adjectives to describe it. We have had lots of fun in Computing designing our own pictures and learning how to save our work, and we are definitely getting better at logging on! Please continue to practise logging into Google Classroom and Purple Mash at home. 

Another good week in Year 1! We have been finding different ways of making the same number in Maths, and started our new book 'Oliver's Vegetables' in Literacy. 

Meet the teacher presentation


What a wonderful day we had yesterday! History off the Page came to visit us, and gave us a brilliant, toy filled day. We started the day by exploring and learning about old toys, then the afternoon was spent making worry dolls, spinning tops, thaumatropes and animals out of clay. The children thoroughly enjoyed it, and a huge thank you to all the parents that gave up their time to help out. 

Welcome to Year 1!


We've had a great start so far. The children have settled back into school life really well. We have been making 'All About Me' booklets, ordering numbers to 10 and did some relay races in PE. A lovely first week!

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's