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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

How will you support my child as they move on to the next stage of school?

If your child is joining us from another Nursery, our Nursery teacher will work with the staff at your child’s setting to ensure there is a smooth transition as well as conducting a home visit. If your child has SEN, the INCO will visit the Early years setting.

At the end of each year, children are given an opportunity to meet their new teacher, visit their new class and find out about their new year group. They also carry out various activities that prepare them to make the transition such as writing to their new teacher. Your child’s teacher will meet with their new teacher to transfer information that will be useful for the next year. If your child has a an education, health and care plan, their new teacher will be invited to attend the end of year review.

When moving on to secondary school, your child is given an opportunity to have a transition day at their new school towards the end of the summer term. There are various activities carried out during the last term of Year 6 to prepare them for secondary school . The SENCO from the secondary school will be invited to the Year 6 transition  EHCP review meeting. The head of Year 7 and sometimes the SENCO from each secondary school comes in to meet the children attending their school and answer questions as well as meeting their teacher to find out useful information about the child.

Please feel free to book in a meeting at the beginning of the academic year so you can get to know your child’s new teacher.

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's