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Archive: Year 6: 2017-2018

500 Words 2018


BBC 2 have launched an exciting writing competition! Click on the link below to find out more!

Year 6 have had a very exciting week building up to a fabulous debate in Thursday's English lesson. As part of this, we watched Youth Parliament debating in the House of Commons and studied the formal sentence structures and persuasive vocabulary which they used to get their points across. The motion being debated was:


'Should the Daleks be allowed to move into St Albans?'


As you can imagine, this caused a great debate and our speaker - Ellie - did a fantastic job of drawing together points from the proposers and the opposition in order to decide on a verdict! Next week we will be writing up our debates ready to send off so check back then to see whether we were for or against the motion!


Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's