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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


We enjoyed our rugby workshop today! (19.6.23)


Congratulations to Reception for their efforts at the Sing-a-thon. They worked really hard and sung so many nursery rhymes!  


It is not too late to donate - The Give As You Live pages will be open for another week!

You can listen to each of the songs on the audio file.


Reception & Nursery

  1. Head, shoulders, knees and toes
  2. Baa baa black sheep
  3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  4. Row, row, row your boat
  5. Peter rabbit had a fly upon his nose
  6. Dingle-dangle scarecrow
  7. Zoom, zoom, zoom
  8. Wind the bobbin up
  9. I had a little turtle
  10. Jelly on a plate


Reception only

  1. Incy, wincy spider
  2. Twinkle, twinkle little star
  3. The wheels on the bus
  4. Shake my sillies
  5. Sleeping bunnies
  6. If you’re happy and you know it
  7. We are family

EYFS Singathon to Share.mp3

Our butterflies hatched over the weekend and have been set free!

Is the Natural History Museum missing a dinosaur? We think one visited us while we were away on our break! We have written letters to the museum to ask all about their dinosaurs. We've made some junk model dinosaurs and a museum.

We learnt about the Jewish festival, Pesach (Passover). We learnt about the Seder plates and the story behind it all.

Easter preparations - learning about the Christian festival and making chocolate nests to celebrate new life in spring time.

We be the pirates of St Peter's! We built this 'ere ship wiv our own hands

Evil Pea came to our classroom and caused havoc! We built traps, wrote wanted posters, went on a search and found the Evil Pea!

Stay and Play - Thank you to all the parents for coming to the stay and play, we loved showing you all our different play skills and activities.

We've been environment explorers and helped to look after the school sensory garden. We dug up the beds, cleared the leaves and pathways and planted some vegetables - let's see what will grow!

World Book Day - we had Year 5 come and read to us and created our very own book characters, out of potatoes!

Celebrating 100 days of school. We made 100 glasses, cakes, wrote 100 words, moved for 100 seconds, made 100 square puzzles and much more!

We've been learning about arctic animals and other polar creatures. Then we made our very own habitats for them (and some dinosaurs).

Celebrating Lunar New Year

We've been making dens!

We're Going on a Bear Hunt.... Our version!

We were so proud of how the children performed in 'Away in a Manger'!

Sewing stockings

Thank you to all our parents helpers for coming in to help us sew stockings! We decorated them with cotton wool after!

Pumpkin Soup

This week we read the book 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper and had a go at making our own soup. We had to cut each of the vegetables into small chunks then add the stock and water. Once it had cooked we had a taste - it was delicious!

Junk modelling

Using a book of instructions a few of the children made aquariums with the junk modelling. 

Spooky antics and autumn walks

Magical Tea Party

We had a fantastic time at our Magical Tea Party! We took part in lots of crafts and games in the morning as well as making jam sandwiches and icing biscuits. Then in the afternoon we played party games in the hall and ate our party food! 


We are so proud of how well the children have settled in and adapted to school life this half term and we hope you all have a lovely break!

Exploring shape and building

Exploring colour


First Week of School - we're so proud of how well everyone has settled in and have loved getting to know everyone.

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's