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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


Please contact the school office  on 01727 853075 or email 


Each visit lasts approximately one hour, and will consist of a short presentation by the Headteacher, followed by a tour of the school.

General Admissions Guidance

The Local Education Authority organises admission to Primary Schools. If your child is of preschool age you should receive a County Admissions Booklet in the Autumn term prior to the academic year in which your child starts school, informing you of the County’s Primary Schools Admissions Policy and the procedure for obtaining a place at your preferred school. You can complete the form online. The LEA will later inform you where your child has been offered a place. Should you not be offered your first preference school you have the right to appeal. Details on how to make an appeal will accompany the letter stating which school your child has been offered.

If you would like your child to join St Peter's School please arrange to visit the school and see it working, to meet the staff and talk with the Headteacher. For children starting in September, school tours are normally held November through to January.

Full details about admissions to Primary School can be found on the Herts Direct Website.

In Year Admissions

If you wish to apply to St Peter's outside the normal transfer times (eg. if you have just moved into the area), you can make an application by following the links to In Year Admissions on the Herts Direct Website (see link above). If you have any queries about this process, you can speak to someone in the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043. If you wish to visit our school before making your In Year Admission application, please contact us directly and we can arrange for a school tour.

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's