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Archive: Year 2: 2016-2017


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Year 2 visit Southend 

What a busy day we have had. We started the morning with a snack by the sea taking in the salty air. Next we visited Norman and Nigel who showed us around the RNLI Southend lifeboat station. We found out so much and even got to sit in the hovercraft. It was then a swift walk so we could catch out train to the pier head. Then we ate our scrummy lunch. We finished the day having a chat with Hamilton and a nice ice cream or slushy. Just before we got back on the coach we had time to hunt the beach for some interesting pebbles. We are currently on our way home. Thank you to all the grown ups who helped us today. 

Bathing Machines 

We have started our next D&T topic. 

Today we have designed, accurately measured and started to saw he wood.

Seaside Day

Oh we do like to be beside the seaside...

Oh we really do. 

What a lovely day! Year two spent some time thinking about how the seaside was different over 100 years ago. We watched some really archive footage before making our own souvenirs and visiting St Peter's Beach. We all needed to earn our spending money and work on an activity. We found it difficult to persuade visitors to come and spend their pennies. Below are some photos of the day. Finally we found out what a Hokey Pokey was. Do you know?

What a busy half term!

Year two have had a really busy half term and have worked very hard. Congratulations to Julien and Lia for taking part in the finals of our poetry festival. They represented the class well and should be very proud of themselves. Julien was crowned the Reception and Key Stage 1 winner with his performance of 'On Top of Spaghetti'.

Everyone in Year 2 deserves a nice break as they have now completed their Key Stage 1 SATs, again they should be proud of their hard work.

We can't believe how quickly this year is going and soon it will be time for the children to  move on to Year 3. We have a fun and busy final half term with a Seaside Day and a trip to the Seaside planned. There will hopefully be an opportunity for the children to showcase what  they have learned during their recorder lessons.

We hope you all have a relaxing week and look forward to seeing you soon.

Everyone tackling handstands

This week

This week we have started to create our group books all about castles. We are looking forward to finishing these next week.

We had a fantastic dance session with Nick and are looking forward to our last session next week. Don't forget to watch our videos in the Year 2 video Section of the website (See the link below)

This week we have sent an open ended task for homework and are really interested to see how the class explore this.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend - Don't forget to put your clocks forward!

Sesame Street: What Is A Friend?

Cookie monster sings a song about friendship.

What a busy week!

We have had a great week  learning about lots of different countries and being taught by different teachers. We hope you enjoyed it too. Thank you to all of the grown ups who came in to talk to us it has been invaluable. If you weren't able to come in this week but would like to then please speak to either Mrs Zawadzka or Mrs Foster as we would love you to come in.


We have not set any homework this week as it has been an extremely busy week. Homework will start as normal next week.

Some photos from international week.

Making Mr Men


Our new dance can be seen by clicking here. Don't forget you will need the password. This can be found in your child's homework book.

RIght Angle Monsters

Year 2 retell 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers - Red Group

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Year 2 have combined their Computing and Literacy skills to retell the story of the Martian and the Boy who were stuck on the moon. First we worked as a team to split the story up into key events. Each person then drew a picture to represent the event in the story. We then wrote our section and put it all together. When we were ready we used iMovie to create our multimedia book. We have learnt new skills and know what we would do differently next time. We hope you enjoy them!

Purple Group

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Yellow Group

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Blue Group

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Green Group

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We enjoyed our first Street Dance session of the term. Everyone tried really hard to follow the steps and Nick was really impressed with our positive attitude. Why not take a look at some quick videos by clicking here. You will need the login, I will put a reminder on the homework sheet for this week.

Blast off!

Sunny has arrived!

We found Sunny in our role play area this morning. He was surrounded by our Literacy books and snuggled up in his blanket. We have spent the morning. Welcoming Sunny and explaining lots of things to him.

We will keep posting Sunny adventures over the next few days.

Sunny has left us his bag!

How to find fractions of amounts

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Noah shows us how he finds a fraction of an amount. We have also been thinking about how we can use our times tables to help us as well.

Class Videos

Follow the link below to the secure video area of the website. You will need to enter the username and password  to enter the site and then the password again to watch the video. If you have not received this password ask Mrs Zawadzka

We will use this area to share videos of our learning in school.

(Please note the password was sent on 18th November 2016)



Show and tell rota autumn 2


What a busy half term.

Wow! We can't believe that the first half term of Year 2 is already over. What a fantastic start to the year. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed our Fire! Fire! topic and we have seen some amazing writing and art work. The children particularly enjoyed creating their abstract art using Paul Klee's art work 'Fire at Night' as a stimulus.

 In maths the children have enjoyed using the Ipads to play a variety of times table games. Ask them all about the 'Monster Race' game on the phonics. Whilst playing this game we have been thinking about the importance of taking your time to answer questions and that speed does not always make us win! We worked really well together in teams and everyone 'had a go'.


Could we ask everyone to have a look in PE bags and check for any items that may belong to others. This is also a good time to make sure you have everything that belongs to you and it is labelled.

We are still looking for things that sparkle:

  • spare tinsel
  • glitter ball
  • sparkly hats
  • tutus 

We also need some brooms (child size) - it will all become clear soon.

If you have any of the above items please let us know.

Next term we are going on Safari!

 We really hope you all have a fantastic break and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 31st October.

And the fire burnt on!

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Today Mrs Goldsmith and the children took photos as the fire was taking control of London. We have turned this into a short animation. This is our first draft.

The fire was spreading far and wide!

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A few pictures from our trip - more to follow!

Trip to Fire! Fire! exhibition

What a busy but fun day. All the children were superstars during the school trip today. We started the day off with a rendition of the songs from our class assembly to get us in the mood. The coach driver was very impressed! Once we arrived at the Museum we were straight into a fascinating workshop where we were able to handle 'real' artefacts like fireman helmets, buckets and candle holders. We were surprised at how heavy the bucket was and that was without any water in.

After a quick lunch we travelled back in time to 1666 and walked the streets of Pudding Lane. During the exhibition we found out some more interesting facts and saw some fascinating things. We couldn't believe how small the beds were in 1666. We also were able to see some books which survived the fire and saw some real glass  and bedding from over 300 years ago. Lots of us enjoyed dressing up and fighting the fire as well as rebuilding London.

We would like to thank everyone who came and supported us on the trip and a big thank you to all of the children who were a credit to the school.

Fire! Fire!

What a fantastic performance from all the children during their class assembly. We hope you  This week we have continued to learn about the Great Fire of London and have even redesigned London after the terrible events of 1666. In Literacy we have also imagined we were Samuel Pepys and have been busy writing in our diaries. We are all looking forward to our school trip on Tuesday and seeing real artefacts from the time of the Fire.



Some examples of Diary Writing

How to use a blank number line

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Miloš and Alistair teach us how to use the blank number line when adding two numbers together. They planned and filmed this video independently.

Fire! Fire!

This week we have started to think about the Great Fire of London. We have already learnt many facts. We know the fire started in a bakery on Pudding Lane. In literacy we looked at words we could use to describe fire and decided on an order of impact, which words we felt we most powerful for the reader. In computing we have researched more facts and created our own information texts. During our dance sessions we created our own piece of movement which showed how the fire engulfed London.


Next week we are going to be looking in more detail about how we know about the events of 1666 and in particular looking at Samuel Pepys Diary.


You child might find playing this game informative and fun.

What a busy week!

It was wonderful to see you all at the meeting this morning. We hope you find the information in the packs useful. A PDF version of these documents can be found in 'Other' section of the Year 2 class page.


In celebration of Roald Dahl's 100th Birthday this week we have been looking at lots of extracts from a variety of his books and thinking about how he creates different characters.

We even made up some of our own 'wondercrump' words.  Below are some examples of character descriptions the children wrote about 'The Enormous Crocodile'.

picture of Roald Dahl's Enormous Crocodile


Next week we will be starting our Fire! Fire! topic. If you haven't already please take a look the video which explores the Museum of London exhibition in a little more detail. Letters regarding our school trip will be sent out on communication Wednesday.

Have an 'amazful' weekend!


Take a look at some of our Enormous Crocodile Character descriptions.

Fire! Fire! exhibition at the Museum of London

Year 2 will be visiting the Fire! Fire! exhibition on Tuesday 11th October. The Museum of London's Fire! Fire! show takes a detailed look at devastating 1666 blaze in the capital

New Pegs!

Our New Rug

Welcome to Year 2!

We will be continuing to fill this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!




Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's