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Online Ambassadors

Welcome to our Online Ambassadors 2024-2025




To keep all pupils at St Peter's Primary School safe when they are online.


Roles and Responsibilities:


  • To promote online safety through a corridor display, class displays and posters.

  • To promote the SMART rules.

  • Arrange themed online safety assemblies.

  • To organise a assemblies on Safer Internet Day (SID) on Tuesday 6th February 2024 for both KS1 and KS2.

  • To check in with their classes to see if there are any concerns or issues around online safety that they need help or support with.

Year 6 

LK - "Because I want to know more and be more helpful with online safety"


CO - "I am applying for this role because I would enjoy it and I want to promote online safety in our school"

Year 5 

HT - "I am applying for this role because I like being online and I think it's important to be safe online"


RW - "I am applying for this role because phones, ipads and computers can be dangerous because people can scan and bully people online"

Year 4 Kingfishers

Year 4 Seals

LD - "I am applying for this role because it just sounds interesting. I would like it because I sometimes play games online"


VS - "Because I really want to make people understand how important it is to safe online"


Year 3 Wrens 

CB - "Because I want people to be safe online"


AB - "because I want to make sure people stay safe on the internet"

Year 3 Otters 

JM - "To advise other people to be safe online. I like to be safe online"


SR - "I believe I have the right skills for this job. I like helping people and I care about my friends safety"


Year 2 Robins 

TC -"Because I think it helps the kids and teachers"


ST - "I want to learn more about online safety and I want to share my learning with others. I care about the safety of my class mates"

Year 2 Owls 

SC - "I want to be an online ambassador because I like helping my friends and I want everyone to be safe"


GF - "I want my friends to be safe online"

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's