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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

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As part of our 'World Book Day' activities we enjoyed a visit from an author. The children got to be characters from the stories, 'Jack and the Beanstalk', 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The Three Bears'. The stories were acted out with rather an unusual prop - pants!! 
We have really enjoyed our reading challenge this week, which has been to read as many books as possible! Since Tuesday, we have manged to read an impressive 28 books! The children have loved sharing their favourite stories with their friends. 
The children enjoyed writing a list of foods to feed the 'Big Bad Wolf' to try to stop him eating 'The Three Little Pigs'!
Friday was an exceptionally exciting and busy day for the children in Reception with a visit from the Police, making heart shaped biscuits for Valentines Day and watching the Poetry Festival!
Today, we were very lucky to have a visit from a firefighter! We learnt about what firefighters do each day to help people in the community. The children got to try on the uniform and learn about how it keeps them safe!
As part of our learning about 'Chinese New Year', we looked at how numerals are formed in Chinese. The children enjoyed practising writing these.  

Chinese New Year

The children enjoyed making play dough today. We made a list of the ingredients we would need, read instructions on how to make the dough and measured out the ingredients. The children thought the mixture was gooey and sticky! They enjoyed observing the changes as we added water to the flour. 

A truly magical day! With games in the hall, followed by the creation of Rice Krispie Christmas trees and Rice Krispie Christmas tree decorating! Thank you so much for the lovely, generous gifts and kind words. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Today we used the laptops and the software 2Publish+ to create our own Christmas cards

Today we explored ice and conducted investigations on how to melt ice the fastest.

Today we explored the Beebots and learnt how to programme them.

Today we explored woodland habitats. We investigated the area and talked about things we observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects. We then chose an area to build a home for a bird using the natural resources found around us.

Today we explored light, dark and shadows. We investigated what will happen when we shine the torch through different types of materials.

Today we learnt about Diwali and Bonfire night. Look at our beautiful fireworks paintings!

Yesterday, we had a visit from the road safety team. The children learnt about how to keep safe when crossing the road and while travelling in a car. They practised crossing the road, remembering to stop, look and listen!

Road Safety Talk

Today we made pumpkin rice krispies. We followed the receipe and measured the ingredients carefully. We discussed the changes that occured to the ingredients when they were heated and mixed together.

This Monday we went into the ICT suite, we controlled and used the mouse to design a farm for the Little Red Hen. In PE we practised going under, over and through the apparatus, we also used our bodies to balance and jump off the equipment.

Today we made bread like the Little Red Hen. We felt the ingredients and talked about the texture. We measured and mixed the ingredients, discussed how the dough felt and how it would change because of the yeast and when it is baked in the oven.

We were very excited today...It is the first time we changed into our PE kits for our PE lesson in the hall!

This week the children have enjoyed painting or drawing their self portraits! They thought carefully about which colours and shapes they should be using and used mirrors to observe their facial features. We were very impressed the result.
This week the children have enjoyed painting or drawing their self portraits! They thought carefully about which colours and shapes they should be using and used mirrors to observe their facial features. We were very impressed the result.

Today we explored the ICT suite and used the computer software Espresso. We learnt how to control the mouse to find out information about Harvest and Autumn.

The Reception children have settled in really well to their new class. They have enjoyed making new friends, exploring their new classroom and learning how to use all of the equipment. We've started our daily phonics lessons and the children are enjoying reading and writing the new sounds they've been learning!
Welcome back to the Autumn Term!