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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


Week beginning 6th January 2025

Robins have come back to school refreshed and raring to learn! It's great to all be back together again. Children have started learning their new topic about castles and have created their own class Bayeux Tapestry. 

In maths, we have learnt about Carroll Diagrams and tally charts and how to use these to sort and gather data. In groups, children have used our class tally chart of favourite colours to create block graphs.

In PE, Year 2 are continuing gymnastics and also learning Drumba! Look at these photos of them all having fun and showing great rhythm.

We're all very impressed with their hard work this first week back!

Week beginning 9th December 2024

Robins have been rehearsing for their Year 2 Nativity, Prickly Hay. It's been a busy week practising songs and trying on costumes! We're all looking forward to performing next week to our families and the school.

In Literacy, we have been writing letters to vets, zoos and dragon experts, to give information and to find out information about looking after a dragon. Have a read!

Week beginning 4th November 2024

Year 2 Robins have returned to school after the half term holiday refreshed, energised and ready to learn. They have started their gymnastics sessions run by Mark Westley and built upon their Year 1 skills by practising shapes, rocking and forward rolls.

In science, we have begun our unit Living Things and Their Habitats. We went on a hunt in our outdoor space to identify things that are living, were living and never have been living. Children worked well in their groups and had great discussions!

Auditions were held for our nativity, Prickly Hay. We were amazed at the great talent and enthusiasm of all children! Now to learn the lines and keep practising the beautiful singing.

Welcome to Year 2 Robins!

It's been a great first week back with the fantastic Foxes becoming rocking Robins. Children have settled in well to the new year and we are all looking forward to the exciting learning and experiences ahead.

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's