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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


Chinese New Year

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We made dumplings which were delicious! We learnt all about the Zodiac and even painted Chinese numbers!

Winter Walk 

This week we went on a winter walk to explore our local environment. We have also been working on making and exploring maps. 

Spring 1: Let's Go on an Adventure

Gymnastics: We had our first gymnastics lesson and explored making different shapes with our bodies.

Winter: This week we read 'Betty and the Yeti' by Ella Burfoot and discussed the different signs of Winter and the clothes that you might wear. During Play and Learn some of the children then decided to make their own puppets and used pieces of material to collage the clothes.




This week we performed our Nativity. We sang, danced and acted incredibly well and really enjoyed ourselves! We made models of our characters to make a small version of our show!

Pumpkin soup!

This week we read Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, then made our own Pumpkin Soup! We wrote the recipe too. We also went on an Autumn walk and made 'Leaf man' maps to celebrate Autumn. 


This week we have been learning all about Diwali. We made Diva lamps using clay, we painted Mendi on our hands, we did some Diwali dancing to traditional music and we listened to the story of Rama and Sita. 


This week we have been writing our our firework poems and making our own rockets! Here are some of them!

International Week

This week we had our international week where we celebrated different cultures! We had parents come in and teach us about Greece, France, Madeira, USA, Italy and Spain! We learnt about the languages, the food and the traditions. We even listened to and played some Indian music!

The Three Little Pigs

This week our key text was The Three Little Pigs. We have enjoyed exploring materials for different houses, making wanted posters for the Big Bad Wolf, role playing the story and making puppets!

When I grow up...

This week we've been thinking about what we want to be when we grow up. We've drawn pictures and practised hearing initial sounds. Here are a few of them!

Colour mixing!

This week we read the story 'Mixed' and explored colour mixing with paint. We even created our own Mixed city like in the story!

Our self portraits!

Our first week at school!

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's