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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

How will the school support my child?

If your child is identified as having special educational needs, your child’s teacher will meet with you and with your child to discuss the provision that will be put in place to meet their needs. The provision will be developed based on these discussions and your child’s assessment data. The provision will be recorded on a SEN SUPPORT PLAN. Once the provision has been carried out, your child’s teacher will assess how effective the provision has been in terms of the amount of progress your child has made and will meet with you again to discuss how to move forward. If your child is being supported by a professional from outside of school, such as a speech and language therapist, then they may also be involved in planning and assessing the provision offered.

If your child has a significant Special Educational need, they may need to be supported by an Education Health Care Plan. Please see the link to Herts County Council website that details information about EHCPs. 



People who may support your child

There are many different members of staff who may support your child. Each class has a teaching assistant who may work with your child one to one or in small groups to support or extend their learning. We also employ specialists on site who offer mental health support through our happy humans project, Forest schools type intervention - Outdoor Learners, Draw and Talk for children who have suffered trauma and Art Therapy for a longer term intervention around Mental health.We receive support from professionals from outside school, through the Local Authority which is detailed later in this report. We are currently developing a sensory room in the Key Stage 2 building and have created a sensory Garden in our grounds. 


If your child has an EHCP, they may be supported by dedicated Learning Support Assistants. If your child is receiving any additional support, this will be discussed with you by your child’s teacher or you can arrange to meet with Mrs Morrison (Inclusion Leader) who is responsible for co-ordinating any extra support.


Supporting your child’s well-being

All children at St. Peter’s take part in lessons that contain Personal, Social and Health education. These follow the Jigsaw curriculum which develops a child’s social skills and emotional understanding as well as promoting areas such as healthy eating and anti-bullying but can also be tailored to the needs of the class in particular week. We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities which enable children to lead a healthy lifestyle alongside their PE lessons. We have introduced Zones of Regulation:

across the school to support children in  understanding and managing their emotional well being. We are also a national nurture school.  We also offer residential trips in Year 5 and 6 which are an excellent opportunity to develop personal and social skills. We regularly have assemblies that celebrate difference and raise the children’s awareness.

We use systems of positive behaviour management throughout the school. One example of this is our house points system. All the children in the school are part of a ‘house’ (Jaguars, Lions, Leopards and Tigers) and are given ‘house points’ as rewards for positive attitudes, good behaviour, effort etc. Many classes also have their own additional reward systems.

The children at St. Peter’s are also given many opportunities to share their views on issues through the school council, eco council, class discussions and one-to-one meetings with their teachers. All children with SEND are also given the opportunity to share their views on school and learning through their All About ME on their support plan as well as discussing how they would like any additional support to be organised in meetings with their teacher.

If your child has a medical condition, please refer to our policy for working with children with medical conditions.

End of Summer Term - School finishes Tuesday 23rd July 1.30pm