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Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Headteacher's Awards

Friday 15th March 2024

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

This term we are focusing on handwriting and presentation


Year 1 Foxes

Samuel W is nominated because his handwriting has improved massively since the beginning of Year 1. It is much more controlled now and easier to read.

Tara is trying very hard with her handwriting. She is working hard on making a g and d correctly.


Year 1 Rabbits

Aseel has been taking her time when drawing around coins this week in maths.  She has paid great attention to where she draws the coins and holding them firmly, so she creates a neat circle. 

Sufyaan has delivered great presentation in maths when recording money.  He traced around coins very neatly and used good pressure with his pencil so his work is tidy and clear to see.


Year 2 Robins

Fatima has been working so hard on improving her handwriting and letter formation and her books are beautifully presented.

Callum's handwriting and presentation has improved so much. His letter formation and use of finger spaces ensures that adults and he himself can read his work, which is important for up-levelling his own work.


Year 2 Owls

Sofia is nominated for having neat handwriting in her literacy book and labelling the parts of a ship at the start of our new literacy topic about The Green Ship.
Isabel is nominated for her neat presentation and handwriting in her science book.


Year 3 Otters

Willow has made a huge effort to improve the size of her handwriting. It now looks beautiful in all of her books all of the time.

Janice is nominated for her beautifully neat diagrams in Maths to show equivalent fractions.


Year 3 Wrens

Ava has been presenting her maths neatly and clearly, particularly drawing representations of fractions. 

Oliver is nominated for working hard to improve his cursive handwriting. 


Year 4

Momo's maths books is a pleasure to mark because of its beautiful presentation. She writes one digit in each square and presents complex methods in a systematic way, which enables her to check her work for errors easily. 

Skye has worked tremendously hard to improve her handwriting over the last few weeks. Her handwriting has grown in size to make it easier to read and her ascending and descending letters are clear to read. 


Year 5

Tobi has improved his maths presentation, using a ruler to draw clear bar models to aid his calculations.

Ollie has tryed hard to ensure her numbers are written clearly and the correct way round, as well as accurately using a ruler.


Year 6

Sophie takes a lot of care over the presentation of her work. This year, her diagrams, drawings and writing have become more precise and well-organised. Her work is always a joy to read through as it is always extremely creative.

Lauren has maintained her presentation consistently over the course of the year. She takes great pride in the work she produces and then records her new learning in a range of creative and colourful ways. 


Welcome back to the Summer Term!