Our Class Assembly
What a fabulous performance from every single member of Year 2. Mrs Foster, Mrs Garcia and Ms Clarke were very proud of you all. With all our other learning this week we didn’t have long to practise, but you all work so hard to learn your lines, and it really paid off. Well done!
Have a lovely weekend 😊
World Book Day 2020
We had a super day today focusing on our love of books. The highlight was the fantastic workshop where storyteller, Hillary, brought a story to life with her beautiful hand knitted props, animated voices and even dancing. It was wonderful to see the children so engaged and inspired. The book swap in the Year 6 classroom was also very exciting and everyone came away with a new book to take home and read.
Happy reading everyone!
Trip to Windsor Castle
We went to see The Queen today, but sadly she wasn't there and didn't invite us in for tea! Despite this, we had a super day at Windsor Castle to kick start our history topic 'Castles'. Year 2 all enjoyed their day and should sleep well tonight after all the walking we did. We saw the 'changing of the guards', lots of grand rooms inside the castle and learnt all about Queen Elizabeth II and her important role. We couldn't believe how large the chandeliers on the ceilings were and how much gold there was in each room!
We can't wait to learn more about Castles this term and to see you all in our class assembly next week.
Man on the Moon
Here are our story maps for our text that we are learning. We have made up actions to help us remember the story. Next week we will be changing parts of it to make it our own story. Ask me to tell you the whole story using this story map and actions.
Year 2 are enjoying a yoga session every week for this half term. We are trying to focus, balance and be kind to each other.
This term we are enjoying our Geography topic 'FOOD'. We have been learning about where dairy foods come from and why there are so many dairy farms in Devon. Some of us have been to Devon and were able to tell the class all about it. This week we found out about why certain fruits can't grow in Britain. We learnt about the process of harvesting bananas in Costa Rica and transporting them to our shops, so that we can enjoy them. Did you know that the most popular fruit in Britain is the banana and that the average person eats 100 each year??
Sew it's Christmas!
What a lovely afternoon we've had sewing, with Christmas music playing in the background! Hope your snowman, hedgehog or penguin has the position it deserves on the Christmas tree!
I'm Gonna Shine
Well we certainly did all shine in Year 2! What an amazing Christmas performance and a massive round of applause to every single child. The children went above and beyond with their enthusiasm, learning lines and beautiful singing. We hope you enjoyed watching the show as much as we enjoyed sharing it will you all.
Well done to everyone involved and a fabulous start to all the festivities.
Year 2 had a fabulous day at Woburn last week. We saw giraffes, tigers, elephants, penguins and otters to name a few. We loved it when the monkeys jumped all over the coach!
Thank you to the parents who joined us and to all the children for being so sensible and well behaved.
I'm Gonna Shine
Year 1 and 2 are busy practising their Christmas play and learning some fabulous songs. Please help your child to learn their lines and practise using their loud, animated voices! If any parents or carers would like to spend a couple of hours helping to create scenery and props please do let us know, we would love to hear from you.
Thank you !
Mrs Garcia and Mrs Foster
Sensational Safari
We are very excited about our topic this term - Sensational Safari - as we are off to explore Kenya! We have already got our flight tickets and decided what we will need to pack in our suitcases (to suit the warm Kenyan climate).
We were lucky enough at the beginning of the week to have Ali's Mum come in to talk to us about her work and trips to Kenya. She showed us photos of her drive through the safari, close ups of wild animals and the Maasai tribes. One of the highlights was hearing about a school she visited in Kenya and comparing it with St Peter's. The Kenyan children all looked very happy, but it made us realise just how lucky we are!
We can't wait to find out more about this interesting country.
The Great Fire of London
We have all loved learning about The Fire of London. It has been a fabulous topic. We hope you like our artwork as much as we do. We drew houses from the 17th Century and created collages from tissue paper, pva glue and black paper.
Year 2 have been testing different paper to see which is the most absorbent.
We had lots of fun and got a little bit wet in the process!
This week we have been ordering 2 digit numbers and using the vocabulary 'greater than' and 'less' than' to describe their position. We have also used the symbols < > and =.
The fun in gymnastics continues as we develop new skills. This weeks we learnt how to do a handstand safely and last week we followed steps to a perfect headstand (see photos).
Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down you hair!
In our Talk for Writing this week we have been learning the story of Rapunzel with actions and a visual story map. It is amazing how much of the story we can remember. Why not ask your child to show you? We think you'll be impressed!
Year 2 are loving our gymnastics lessons. Last week we learnt how to do a safe backward roll and this week we practised our cartwheels.
Talk for Writing
This week in Year 2 we have been exploring an alternative version of Rapunzel, by Bethan Woolvin. The children have shown a lot of excitement about the story and have used some amazing adjectives in their writing. Their excitement began when they were asked to predict what the story was going to be about from looking at the front cover. They couldn't wait to find out the answers following day. A great, inspiring start to our Talk for Writing work.
We have been using the 'think 10' strategy to help our calculations, using lots of different resources to help us visualise the numbers.
We now know when the Great Fire of London took place, why it spread so quickly and how many days it lasted, by placing all the events on a timeline. Ask your child to tell you all about it.
Year 2 have settled in well!
Keep an eye on our class page for future updates!
In Science we have started our topic on Materials. Today we are going to make the most of the sunshine and go for a material hunt around the school.