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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Year 6

Meet the teacher presentation

For our last morning, we had an amazing time at Goodleaf Tree Climbing where we completed an orienteering course around the park and exciting Vortex golf as well as Tree Climbing! Everyone was brave (and strong enough!) to pull themselves up off the ground and the monkeys amongst us managed to get up high enough to reach the branches and top!

After lunch on the beach, we enjoyed a game of bowling on our last afternoon on the Isle of Wight! Everyone played brilliantly but well done to Hazel who won with an impressive score of 129 (even beating the teachers!)

Our final night on the Isle of Wight was spent at Sandown Beach, paddling in the sea and playing on the beach, with a final class photo. We’ve had a brilliant time and have lots of memories to treasure forever!

Day 3- Isle of Wight 2023

We can't believe another day is over. Today has been very full of laughter, sweets and dancing. 

We spent the morning at Alum Bay where we got to see The Needles, Rhubarb and Custard sweets being made and some more glass being blown.  Many of shop owners commented on how polite and thoughtful the children were. After our picnic lunch over looking The Needles, we drove back to Sandown to visit the Wildlife Sanctuary. We were shown around by an excellent guide who knew the best views of the animals as well as telling us all.the great work the Sanctuary is doing to support the animals, many have previously been mistreated. Our Midweek roast set us up for an energising performance at the Shanklin Theatre. This was no ordinary show, everyone was up dancing and singing. Also a great way to celebrate with our children who are celebrating Eid.  

Time for some rest now before our final full day of activities tomorrow. 

Day 2 - Isle of Wight 2]023

Another really busy day. 

First we visited the Donkey Sanctuary. What an amazing place! Our guides gave us a very informative tour and told us all about the donkeys. After a quiz and a snack we headed straight to Osbourne House. Year 6 were very excited to see the playground and spent some time burning off their lunch. We then made our way to the home of Queen Victoria. where we got to spend some time looking at rooms within the house. We took a long stroll to the private beach, where we searched for crabs, shells and just relaxed!! It was very peaceful. Our final activity of the day was a glass blowing demonstration. We were shown how to make a glass flower, Robin and even how glass was blown. 

We are ready for another day tomorrow. 

Day 1-Isle of Wight 2023

What a fantastic day! 

After a day of travelling we spent some time at Carisbrooke Castle where we got to explore the castle walls as well as see the working donkeys. Some of us even stumbled across a deep well  

After a fabulous dinner we took an evening stroll to the beach. It has been a great day seeing the children relax with their friends.  

We are now all settled in bed and recharging pur batteries for day two. 



PSA Sing-a-thon 15th July


Year 6 took part in the PSA Sing-a-thon and managed to sing the following songs during their slot. You can listen to snippets of them all on the audio track. 


We are hoping to raise a lot towards new laptops for the school. It's not too late to donate to the Year 6 online giving page: 


1) Believer

2) House of Memories

3) Kings and Queens

4) Ticket to Ride

5) I'm Still Standing

6) Peaches

7) Pirates of the sea

8) Tick tock

9) Loyal to you we stand

10) Count on me

11) We are family

Year 6 Singathon Selections.mp3

Creating Spectrum of light


To round off science week, Year 6 used all their prior knowledge of structures and forces to complete the bridge challenge. 

They had 20 minutes to make a bridge out of only paper and tape. This bridge had to be able to hold at least 1kg weight. 

All the bridges held at least 1kg for a short period of time. Many of them held over 2kg. 

We had a great afternoon testing them and discussing what made the strong bridges strong.


RE - Meditation and Mindfulness

In Re this week we have been discussing the importance of meditation to Buddhists. We even tried some ourselves. Some of us found this very relaxing others would have preferred to be doing it on our own. 

We also spent time creating our own mindfulness pictures, some inspired by Mandala's and others just drawing. It was a time to reflect and refocus our mind. 


How does light enable us to see?

Year 6 SATs information evening for parents

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our parents information evening. By following the link below you will be able to access the presentation slides. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. 


Whole School Time - Friday 3rd February 

Year 6 have been busy preparing for their first Whole School Circle Time session next week. This week they have planned their own sessions and rehearsed with their own class mates. Today they have found out which talking object they have and where they will be next week. Why don't you ask them all about it!


'I can't wait to start circle time.' Spencer

'I love the preparation we have been doing.' Mariyah 

'It will be so much fun leading circle time.' Hazel

'It will be fun and exciting to do it with the little ones.' Becky

'I am so excited to mix with different year groups.' Heath

'It will be so great to get to know everybody.' Eva K

'This will be a great learning experience.' Ellie

'It will be such an honor to lead this.' Eva M

'I always want to lead important events.' Taka

'It will be nice to meet new people.' Megan



Design Technology

Building Tension Through Writing

Thursday 26th January

Year 6's English learning has involved us exploring Ian McEwan's Rose Blanche. Because the story is predominantly told through pictures, the children have had to use their inference skills to gain a better understanding of everything that is taking place. We have taken the learning in numerous directions but one of the most exciting has been the children writing paragraphs steeped in tension and angst. In preparation for the writing, the children planned and drew journey maps onto their desks. It is fair to say that many of them enjoyed the rebelliousness of this act. The children then used this plan to write paragraphs which have blown the adults away with the imagery and content. Well done to all children involved. We can't wait to share the children's writing with you once it is complete.

Dreams and Goals

Thursday 19th January

For our PSHE learning this week, we started off by considering our learning strengths. Every individual is unique and wonderful in their own way, so we took the time to share our strengths with each other. The children then built upon this by exploring goals that they wish to achieve. They were asked to consider a school-based goal as well as a goal for outside of school alongside what they would need to do in order to reach their goal. The adults in class were thrilled with the careful consideration and thought that the children put into their goals. It is fair to say that we have some very thoughtful and considerate thinkers in Year 6!

Exploring Collage with a Gustav Klimt Focus

Thursday 12th January

Year 6 explored a variety of Gustav Klimt's most famous artwork, notably Adele Bloch-Bauer, The Kiss as well as The Tree of Life. We explored and discussed the themes of life and death, which dominate Klimt's work, alongside his use of recurring shapes, patterns, use of colour and symbolism. This exploration allowed the children to not only compare various Klimt pieces with a critical eye, but inspired them to draw from what they could see to create their very own black and white Klimt artwork. We are excited about starting our final collage pieces next week.

Tuesday 10th January

A great start to the term. The children have come back to school refreshed and with a can do attitude. 

I can't wait to see these finished cushiom covers. 

Developing our skills and techniques

Welcome to Year 6!


We have had a very busy start to the year and are starting lots of new learning as well as building on what we already know.


science: classification of organisms
