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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


Our Trip to Aldenham Country Park

We had a really lovely day at Aldenham Country Park today! We spent the morning exploring the farm and were excited to see rabbits, guinea pigs, cows and their calves and even a peacock! After lunch we went searching for the different houses in the 100 Aker Wood (from A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh stories) and had a friendly 'Pooh Sticks' competition by racing sticks down the river. 


The children were an absolute delight to take out on a trip - we were very proud of them!

We had so much fun at our Sports Day today! Badgers and Hedgehogs class came together to take part in some races; including balancing quoits on our heads, the pancake race, hockey dribbling, the shopping race and even a water scooping race! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and have taken lots of photos so you can see us in action!

Over the last two weeks, we have been learning all about Africa! We have looked at the different landscapes and famous landmarks in some of the African countries and compared a day in the life of a school child in Zimbabwe with ours. We even had a go at Djembe drumming! We have been on an imaginary safari and written our own version of 'Walking through the Jungle' about the animals we saw as well as making them out of junk modelling. We also created our own 'Guess Who' game to see if people can guess the animals we have described from the clues we have given. Some of this writing is now up on display for the rest of the school to see in the dining room!

Bengali Street Art

Last week we learnt all about Bangladesh and compared life in Bangladesh to life here in England. We also had a go at some Bengali Street Art which was lots of fun!


We have been learning all about Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims think about how they can be kind and caring towards towards others and set themselves goals to achieve. We agreed a goal of being really good at sharing. Every time we spot someone being good at sharing, we add a leaf to our Kindness Tree. We will set a new kindness target each week.

It has been fantastic to be back together at school again! We are really proud of how the children settled back into the routine and it has been lovely to see the progress they have made in their learning. 

We have been very busy in the last three weeks and have particularly enjoyed being back together with our friends and playing with some of the new resources outside. We have also been learning about Spring by going on a Spring walk, doing observational paintings of flowers and planting our own beans (after reading Jack and the Beanstalk of course!)

We have had a great couple of weeks thinking about Christmas and having some fun making lots of different things. We have written letters to Santa, made decorations, painted calendars and made Christmas cards. We also had a brilliant time at the Christmas dinner and at our party! Apologies for all the food photos - it was the only time we could keep them still long enough to get a good one!


We are so proud of all your children have accomplished this term! We hope you have some lovely family time over the holidays and look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

We had a great time doing the Santa Dash today! Thank you for all your donations

Benjamin the Elf

Benjamin the Elf has come to stay with us until Christmas but we have noticed that over night he often gets up to mischief! He began calmly with a leisurely bath but has since then had a run in with our dinosaurs and got trapped in our post box! 
Last week we learnt all about Diwali and how it is celebrated. We read the story of Rama and Sita and then made our own Diya lamps with clay. This week, we painted and decorated them and we are very excited to show you!

Remembrance Day


This week we learnt all about Bonfire Night and fireworks. We read the story The Fizz Buzz and thought about the different noises that fireworks make. We explored the colours and patterns in fireworks using chalk, splatter painting and glitter. Then we drew our own rocket and had a go at copying some of the letters to make our firework sounds such as 'fizz', 'pop', 'bang' or 'hiss'.

Magical Potions

This week we have enjoyed creating our own spells and potions. We have drawn the ingredients, counted them out carefully, played in our potion shop and even made our own fizzing potions!

We had a great time at our Magical Tea Party!

Making pumpkin soup

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's