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St Peter’s School

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Whole School Events

Poetry Festival 2023

What a great way to finish the half term.  For the first time since the pandemic we were able to come together as a whole school to listen and watch the finalists of the poetry festival.

Over the last week every child in the school has performed a poem to their peers. This has resulted in two children from each class performing in front of the whole school. All children who took part gave a confident performance and it was a very tough decision for the judges to make. You can see some of the finalists performing in our video library

We are proud to announce this years winners

Reception Winner - Thomas

Key Stage 1 Winner - Jasmine  

Lower Key Stage 2 Winner - Nivi

Upper Key Stage 2 Winner - Ali


Well done to everyone who took part.

World Book Day 2022

We had a great day celebrating world book day. All the children looked fantastic in their t shirt designs, it was a wonderful to see such a range of books being represented. 

During the day there were a number of other activities which took place, including making potatoes related to our books as well as decorating our classroom doors. 

Year 6 did a fantastic job of organising the book swap and we hope that the children who took part enjoyed their new book. 


Each child should have been given a book token which entitles them to receive £1 off a book of their choice. 


Enjoy some of our photos of the day. 



Today's Daily Mile was a little different. We were joined by a number of princesses, superheroes and even a bear. Thank you to everyone who has taken part into today's event and helped the PSA to raise funds. The children and staff really enjoyed seeing and talking about everyone's costumes. 

Wellbeing Week

St Peter’s enrichment week this year has been themed around wellbeing. The children and staff have taken part in a wide variety of workshops and lessons.

Art Project

This week some of the year 1 and year 2 children were lucky enough to take part in a local community art project. Audrey Montet, a local artist, invited St Peter's to help paint a mural surrounding the King Offa pub on Wallingsfield walk. The children designed their own stencils and then worked together to create a beautiful bed of flowers and butterflies. We look forward to seeing the final product!

Art Mural community project

Poetry Festival 2017

What a great way to finish the half term. The whole school gathered together to listen and watch the finalists of the poetry festival. All children who took part gave a confident performance and it was a very tough decision for the judges to make.

We are proud to announce this years winners

Reception and Key Stage 1 Winner - Julien  

Lower Key Stage 2 Winner - Isla

Upper Key Stage 2 Winner - Emily

Well done to everyone who took part.

Winners of the Poetry Festival 2017






Red Nose Day Cake Sale 2017

International Week 2017

What an amazing week. Thank you to everyone who has supported and helped us to make this week run smoothly. The smell from the food festival was out of this world. Such a variety of flavours!

Here are a variety of photos showing the activities and the food that the children were involved with during International Week:

Dick Whittington

Still image for this video
The whole school enjoyed a performance from M and M productions of Dick Whittington

Queen's 90th Birthday Picnic Celebrations

We all had a marvellous afternoon to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday. We enjoyed a whole school picnic on the field followed by a range of activities organised by the staff. A particular highlight was the maypole dancing where children from across the school joined together to participate.
A huge thank you to Mrs Bennett and her team for working so hard to prepare close to 200 packed lunches. It was very much appreciated by everyone.
Each of the children were given a commemorative mug to take home that we hope will provide a long lasting keepsake for years to come.


Poetry Festival

In our second St Peter’s Poetry Festival, finalists from each class took to the stage to perform their poems to the whole school during the festival this
morning. Each finalist performed clearly and with confidence. We heard a range of poems, the standard was extremely high and judging was a difficult job! Thank you to Mrs Wilson for organising the festival and to everyone at home for supporting their child when learning a poem.

Art Week

The whole school has enjoyed a fantastic Art Week organised by MissLaffy. The children have participated in a wide range of workshops including scavenger hunts, newspaper sculpture,mosaics and Indian mask making as well as a whole range of activities in class. There have been many highlights but the painting and building of our new ‘St Peter’s Tree’ has been tremendous. The sight of over 100 children painting their piece for the tree on Wednesday will be a lasting memory for us all.

World Book Day 2016

On World Book Day the whole school enjoyed a day of fancy hats, from their favourite books. We had good weather for an outdoor hat parade, a story teller who told amazing stories and bought the story to life with lots of props. We bought in books and left them to be found and read by a new owner.  Finally a book quiz to test our knowledge. A great day was shared by everyone and their love of books.


Hat competition Winners

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's