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St Peter’s School

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Year 4


Today in Maths, Year 4 worked on finding the area of rectilinear shapes using 1 of 3 methods learned yesterday:

-counting squares,

-splitting into 2 or more rectangles to use multiplication base facts,

-using base facts and subtracting missing squares.


Today we started our new unit of work in English. We are going to be learning about how repetition and figurative language are common in poetry. The stimulus we used to start this unit of work was 'Caribbean Dream' by Rachel Isadora. In today's lesson, we thought about what we know, what we can infer and what we would like to know about the poem.



In Geography today, we explained how volcanoes often occur in the same places as earthquakes, using a map showing the tectonic plate boundaries and the volcano and earthquake zones.

We then looked at the 6 main stages of how a volcano is formed. 



As part of our RE unit of work 'Sacred Texts' we looked at the story of Rama and Sita in the Ramayana for Hindus. First, we thought which other stories we know of have a theme of 'good conquering evil.' We worked in table groups to produce a comic strip of the story of Rama and Sita. 


PSA Sing-a-thon - 16th June


Year 4 took part in the PSA Sing-a-thon today with Year 3. They managed to sing all of the songs listed below and you can hear clips of them all on the audio track. (Most of the songs were chosen by the children!)


It is not too late to donate online at: 

We are raising funds for new laptops for the children to use. 


1) Dragon Days

2) You couldn't make it up

3) No way down

4) Natural 

5) Bad Habits

6) Here comes the sun

7) Happier

8) Mr Blue Skies

9) Shotgun

10) Peaches

11) Baby Shark

12) Pompeii

13) We are family


(KS2 Choir songs can be found on the Music Page - KS2 Choir)

Year 3 and 4 Singathon Selections.mp3


In PSHE, as part of our unit on 'Changing Me' we looked at mother cats and their kittens. We loved learning the fact that out of the trillions of cells in our body, each cell contains between 25,000-35,000 genes! 


As part of our whole school poetry unit, we worked on a collaborative art piece linked to different types of weather. This weather type will be used as a stimulus for our poetry writing this week. We were all given a different part of a photo and sketched our own perception of this, putting them all together at the end, to make the final piece.



We designed and made our own boot using paper mache, matching them to a specific consumer. Some examples included:

-ice skating boots,

-football boots,

-roller skates,

-hiking boots.


Today in English, we learnt about how subordinating conjunctions can also be used at the start of our sentences to create multi-clause sentences. We used this gained knowledge to write a paragraph on the events that occurred during the Full Moon Ceremony in our focus book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter.'




As part of our geography unit on North America, we have been focusing on the state of Florida. Today, we looked at the natural hazards and human caused hazards to sea turtles and how this is affecting their population. 


This week in Maths, Year 4 have been focusing on long division using the bus stop method to show our remainders.

We used the acronym HMS (how many, multiply, subtract) to help us to remember the complex method.



Today in English, we turned the ABC poem by Spike Milligan into a play script. As a class, we wrote the introduction to the scene together, making sure to include the setting, all the characters and a back story to help the actors.


In English, we are focusing on the story of Alice in Wonderland to write our own play scripts. Today, we analysed the features of a play script, which included:

-scene heading,

-introduction to the scene, 

-list of characters,

-stage directions,

-speaker's name,


We then used the play script to predict what the script would look like coming to life as a performance, before watching a recording of the scene. 


We designed our digital flashcards that will be created using Micro-bit technology. We planned how we would make 6 digits using coding to control the LED lights. We will use the Micro-bits as an eco-friendly version of flashcards to test our knowledge of the number 1-9 in French!


As part of National Science Week, we had a visit from the Head of Science at Sandringham School. We looked at what values make a Scientist and how Science is evident is everything in modern life.

We then conducted two experiments: elephant's toothpaste and walking on eggs.


As part of our computing unit on creating Logos, we made our own code to form letters of the alphabet. We used coding such as RT 90 (right turn 90 degrees) and FD (forward).


In English, as part of our unit of work on Wishing Tales, we mapped Aladdin's emotions throughout the story. We put emotional vocabulary on a scale, to think about negative and positive emotions to describe different events within the Aladdin story.


Today in Maths we used our knowledge of place value to use the cherry model method for regrouping decimals for addition. We thought about how we could make the addition calculation easier and partitioned one of the decimals so it made 1 whole. As the last step, we added on the remaining part of the decimal.

To end the lesson, we had a challenge to find the final 'splodge' in a sequence of adding decimals one after another. 


Today we had a day full of exciting workshops all about our Geography unit of work 'Sustainability.'

We started the day with a workshop from 'Green Up Your Act London' where we made wallets out of juice cartons and notebooks from old maps.


Our final art pieces used photocopied lace as a stimulus for incorporating all the drawing techniques we have learnt through the unit.


Last week, we used the iPads to take photos of landscape in our local area and used pencils to sketch focusing on different mark making techniques used by John Brunsdon. This week, we focused on the same photos but used oil pastels to show different textures, depth and colours.


LO: to write a narrative using embedded dialogue.

Year 4 have been using the book 'Leon and the Place Between' by Grahame Baker-Smith, as a stimulus for writing about a character travelling into a magical world.

Our success criteria was:

-to use the rules of speech to embed dialogue into my narrative,

-to use a variety of adjectives and adverbs, 

-to avoid repetition and use a variety of reporting clauses,

-to use a range of sentence lengths to create a magical mood, 

-to write in 3rd person.


In Maths this week, Year 4 have been focusing on properties of lines and 2D shapes. Today we used descriptive mathematical vocabulary to give similarities and differences. We then finished the lesson with a game of 'Guess the shape!' to try and guess our partner's 2D shape in less than 5 questions.



In RE, we started our new unit of work focusing on the religion of Sikhism and the topic of Belonging. We discussed what it means to belong to a community or group and how this makes us feel. 


In Year 4, we made our own mini versions of the water cycle! We used the terms: evaporation , condensation and precipitation to describe each stage of the cycle.


We concluded our RE for the Autumn term by understand how different countries around the world celebrate Christmas and Advent.

These celebrations were linked to how they illustrate the story of baby Jesus' birth.


This week we have been converting units of measure (length, mass and capacity). We used Harry Potter items to give our maths a context and transferred our previous knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 using a place value grid.


We transferred our knowledge of multiplying 3 digit numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000, to focusing on dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000.

In order to aid our understanding, we used a place value grid to make sure two digits were not in the same place value column. 


History - LO: to explore what artefacts can tell us about the past.

We investigated the different materials that Roman artefacts were made of. Using our knowledge from the Stone Age in Year 3, we ordered Roman artefacts on a timeline.


Today in Science, we started off our new topci of 'States of Matter.'

We investigated different materials and whether they were solid, liquid or gas.

We then learnt the scientific definition of a solid, liquid and gas!


We started our new English topic on poetry, with the poem 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. 

This poem used a box as a metaphor for the poet's memories and used a variety of senses to describe his favourite memories of his life.


Today we related multiplication to repeated addition. We used bead strings to count on and coloured the multiples of the 6,7 and 9 times-tables. 


In English today, we used the technique of story mapping (assigning pictures to words) to enable us to learn the structure of a discussion text and key sentence starters.

Challenge: using the picture attached below, can your child orally rehearse our model text just from the pictures?


Year 4 went on a trip to the Roman Verulamium Museum where they took part in a workshop all about Roman artefacts. The children analysed the artefacts closely and carefully and make inferences about what the items might have been used for, being finding out from the expert archaeologist leading the session.

The children also got the opportunity to dress up as a 'rich' Roman in togas and robes.





We concluded the results from our egg experiment today, using a table to display our results. The vinegar turned the egg bouncy in texture and completely dissolved the egg's shell!


Today we did some 'distorted portrait' artwork based on the artist Francis Bacon.


In English today, Year 4 analysed a text and identified which features were used to make it vivid for the reader. The features included:



-powerful verbs,


-power of 3 adjectives.


Today in Science, we used our knowledge of human teeth, to discuss the teeth of herbivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous animals. 

We then challenged our knowledge by trying to guess an unknown animal from a skull, showing its teeth! 

'I think it was a dog or wolf, as it has an L shaped jaw and more incisors and canines than a human.


This week we focused on the regrouping of 4-digit numbers, using base ten as a visual representation. Each child had a go at drawing their own 4-digit number that could be regrouped differently and we swapped with our partners. We then extended our knowledge by solving a number riddle, where we had clues to guess which 4-digit number had written a riddle.


Today in history, our curiosity for the Romans was sparked, when we carefully handled some artefacts, acting as archaeologists would. This included: oil lamps, pottery, hygiene kits and Roman coins. We found it the most interesting that the Romans would take their hygiene kits to public baths!


We started off our Year 4 ICT curriculum by reviewing our existing knowledge of coding. To progress, we used positional coding and language to move objects.

Meet the teacher presentation

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's