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St Peterโ€™s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Year 5

Meet the teacher presentation

Positions of Responsibility 2022-23:

School Council: Isabel and Toby

Sports Council: Aniruddha, Ali and Ernest

Eco Council: Ted, Noa and Ari




Tuesday 18th July

it was lovely to see so many parents and family members visiting for Share & Learn this morning! Year 5 enjoyed sharing the learning and work they've done over this term, across the whole curriculum. There are clearly some budding teachers in the class, who gave clear and informative information and fun tasks!

Monday 17th July

Year 5 have asked for a more reading time in the last week of term so this morning we are listening to relaxing music, finding a comfy pose and enjoying reading for pleasure! Even Miss Honour is getting a chance to read with us! 

We have collectively read 307 books since January, so time to add even more to our Goodreads challenge by the end of term!


Friday 23rd June

This week in English, Year 5 have been researching sportspeople and writing biographies about them. There has been a great range of athletes chosen and the children have discovered some fascinating facts! See the pictures below for some brilliant, well illustrated versions of their final pieces:

Stanborough Watersports Trip on Wednesday 21st June

Year 5 had an amazing trip to the lakes on Wednesday, where they had the opportunity to try kayaking and paddleboarding ๐Ÿšฃ‍โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿšฃ๐Ÿพ‍โ™€๏ธ They were all enthusiastic and gave the challenges a try, with everyone managing to stand up on the paddleboards (though mostly also falling in!). What a great day to develop our teamwork, improve our resilience and develop our co-ordination and balance!

PSA Sing-a-thon Thursday 15th June


Year 5 took part in the PSA Sing-a-thon on Thursday and managed to sing all of the songs listed below. You can hear clips of them on the audio track. (Most of the songs were chosen by the children and they sung with great enthusiasm!)


It is not too late to donate online at: 

We are raising funds for new laptops for the children to use. 


1) Never gonna give you up

2) Eye of the tiger

3) Sweet Caroline

4) Take on me

5) Spaceman

6) Hey Jude

7) Mamma Mia

8) Believer

9) Mr Blue Skies

10) Pirates of the sea

11) Look at me

12) We are family


(KS2 Choir songs can be found on the Music Page - KS2 Choir)

Year 5 Singathon Selections.mp3

Thursday 25th May

Y5 have shortlisted & chosen their semi finalists for our World Cup of Books ๐Ÿ“š The winner will be chosen tomorrow & will be our class book for the final half term! Miss Honour has been impressed by the range of good quality texts & heated debates about the books this week ๐Ÿ‘

Wednesday 24th May

This half term, our Geography unit is Volcanoes! We have learned lots about how they are formed and where, with a focus on Iceland & the island of Hiemaey. As we are finishing our topic this week, we have started constructing our own volcanic structures, which we will Papier mache and paint before erupting on Friday!

Thursday 18th May

After a week of practising and learning short and long division techniques, today we played a Treasure Hunt to cement our understanding! We had to solve worded division problems then find the corresponding answer, which was linked to a letter hidden around the classroom. 

The collect letters spelt the treasure - Coins and Gems! 

Friday 28th April

Thankfully the rain stopped for our final morning at Gilwell! We were very impressed by the excellent paving skills we saw, with everyone mucking in together to help clear the dorm rooms by 8:15am. After a yummy croissant breakfast, we went to our last activities with the groups doing Firelighting, Low Ropes, Team Building and Leap of Faith! The instructors have said how brilliant each of the teams have been, with polite manners, positive mindsets and great team work.

We ended our trip with a highly anticipated visit to the shop, where they were very thoughtful in buying souvenirs from Gilwell and presents for family & friends (plus some sweets!)

Miss Honour, Mrs Mitchell Fox, Mrs Hornsby and Miss Giddens had a lovely trip with the children and were so impressed with their sensible attitudes and perseverance! 

Gilwell Photos Day 3

Thursday 27th April


We were all up bright and early this morning, ready for another exciting day at Gilwell Park! Everyone enjoyed eating lots of breakfast before our first activities – Backwoods Cooking, 3G Swing and Archery  followed by our second activities which included Crate Stacking, Firelighting and Low Ropes! Everyone is being very brave facing their fears and working well as a team!

Our afternoon activities included a visit from Mrs Young, who was very impressed by everyone's positive attitude and enthusiasm for the activities. Everyone kept up their good spirits, despite the rain this afternoon, showing their robustness at Team Building, Firelighting and 3G Swing! We are now enjoying our indoor campfire with fun singalongs and warm snacks!



Gilwell Photos Day 2

Wednesday 26th April

Year 5 set off on their residential adventure to Gilwell Park this morning! Everyone was very excited to be away from home and take part in some outdoor adventurous activities for the next few days ๐Ÿคฉ
This afternoon we completed our first activities at Gilwell which included the 3G Swing ๐Ÿ’ Archery ๐Ÿน and Backwoods Cooking ๐Ÿ”ฅ amongst others. Everyone faced their fears or joined in well!

After a dinner of burgers, potato wedges and chocolate cake, we ended our first day with Outside Games where we had great fun on the massive field using up the last of our energy! It's now already bedtime, and we are settling down after a hot chocolate & quiet time reading and reflecting on a wonderful day! 

Photos from Day 1 of Gilwell

Fairtrade Activities

Thursday 30th March

Year 5 finished this half term's Geography unit on Fair Trade by baking (obviously fair trade!) chocolate chip banana muffins today ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿซ

The children were great at using their mathematical skills to accurately measure and weigh the ingredients. They also used excellent team work to mash bananas, mix the ingredients and fill the cup cake cases.

We hope our families enjoyed these yummy treats!

Tuesday 28th March

The children have been preparing for our Share and Learn activities over the last week, ensuring they had the resources and knowledge to teach their favourite recent topics. We've loved their enthusiasm and independence in organising key information and questions to show all their great learning!

This morning, they shared their learning across a range of curriculum subjects with parents and carers, and achieved some brilliant feedback!


Tuesday 14th March

For our Maths lesson today, we built on our learning / recapping of square and cube numbers from yesterday. Today, we were using multilink cubes to make cubes to further explore cube numbers and creating cuboids to investigate volume! 

The children were able to use these manipulatives to help them visualise the length, width and depth in order to multiply, with lots challenging themselves with the extension investigations too!


World Book Day, 2nd March

Today, year 5 had a book and reading filled day to celebrate World Book Day ๐Ÿ“š

First thing this morning, we visited Reception to be their reading buddies, reading their picture books as well as sharing some of our current reading books. The children were great role models for reading! They read with enthusiasm, discussed the text well and encouraged the younger pupils to answer their questions.


We always love to read and discuss our Whole Class Reading text, Cogheart, so today we had an extended session as well as an art project! Each member of the class contributed to drawing, colouring and cutting out a part of the Cogheart front cover. The children focussed exceptionally well to create individually amazing pieces, which we stuck together to make a giant sized cover!

Our final Cogheart cover

The component parts to our Cogheart cover!

See the photo below for the latest books read by Year 5 and added to our Goodreads Reading Challenge! So far since the start of 2023, we've read 108 / 400 books ๐Ÿ“š


I have been super impressed by the choices of texts the year 5 pupils have chosen and thoroughly enjoy our discussions in the morning about them, especially in Monday morning book club ๐Ÿ˜Š

Little Vixen Street is a short tale of fear, based on a fox encountering humans at night while looking for food. We worked hard to learn the different techniques throughout the text, such as a sentence of three, and build tension using well chosen vocabulary. Our final piece of writing was to imitate Little Vixen Street, in a new setting with a new creature.

What a wonderful example Toby's is:

Thursday 9th February

At the beginning of the year, Year 5 asked to participate in Lego Challenges... Today they outdid themselves with some incredible creations! Can you guess what they made? #LEGO #LegoChallenge

Wednesday 8th February 

A massive congratulations to all of the 12 children who represented St Peter's in the Year 5 Maths Challenge on Wednesday. They took part in practice rounds and the memory round before the day, and on the day joined a live session of 3 rounds full of tricky to solve questions. They persevered with some complicated logical and estimation problems and worked well in their teams! 

Monday 30th January


We have set a class target to read 400 books collectively before the end of Year 5! We upload and rank the books we have read onto our Goodreads account. So far in January we've read 67 books, which puts us ahead of schedule ๐Ÿ“š

Our Goodreads Reading!

Still image for this video
An overview of the books we've read in January!

Wednesday 18th January

In English, we are now studying Non-Chronological Reports linked to our History topic, the Anglo Saxons.


We spent yesterday and today researching and taking notes on different topics about the Anglo Saxons. Today, we selected our favourite fact, memorised it, and moved around our classroom to share with our classmates! We all discovered some new, fascinating knowledge - perhaps you can ask us to see if we remember any!

We will use these over the next few lessons to create our own Non-Chronological Reports.

Thursday 12th January

This week we have been reading and learning the poem, The Jabberwocky! We have learned about the poetic convention used in it, portmanteau (combining two words to make a new word) and the rhyme pattern. Here are a few excellent examples for you to read...

Wednesday 11th January

Since coming back to school, we have been immersed in our new Whole Class Reading book, Beowulf. We have conducted a character study into the main character and decided he is a hero!

Take a look at our labelled illustrations and inferences about Beowulf! 

Friday 21st October

Year 5 managed to get out this morning before the rain to visit the River Ver as our Field Trip to end our Geography topic on Rivers. We measured the width, depth and speed of the River and analysed these results back at school too see what conclusions we could make about the River. We also pond dipped and drew observational pictures of the wildlife and flora around ๐ŸŒŠ

More photos to be added soon!


In our English lessons for the past few weeks, we have been studying non-chronological reports relating to the non-fiction text, 'Monsterology'. We have learned about clauses, adverbials and prepositional phrases, as well as structuring using subheadings and grouped paragraphs. 

Everyone used their creativity to design and describe their own monsters, which we have collated into our own class book!



Still image for this video

Check out some good examples!

Our Class Assembly, 07.10.22

The children did amazingly this morning presenting the first class assembly at St Peter's in 3 years! We learned about water safety and rafting, before travelling back in time to the River Nile and meeting Ancient Egyptians, which showcased our learning from our Rivers topic in Geography. It was also a great way to introduce our History topic for after half term. 

I was so impressed with all of our rehearsals, and everyone's confident, loud performances on the day! 

Our Class Reading Journal

Our reading journal comes home with 1 or 2 children per week. They complete book reviews or recommendations, update us on their recent reads or favourite authors and books ๐Ÿ“š

So far, we've had two completions! We look forward to more over this term and this year!

HDSF Cycling Morning

Today, we had an amazing opportunity to learn to cycle or improve our cycling with Herts Disability Sports Foundation ๐Ÿšด‍โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšด 

It was wonderful to see everyone gain confidence, whether in starting to balance and pedal, or speed and control! 


Through generous donations and funding, the programme donates or exchanges bikes to those who don't currently have one. They'll be back soon to cycle and distribute these. 


Our Geography topic this half term is Rivers ๐ŸŒŠ Everyone has made an excellent start, using atlases to locate rivers around the world and in the UK. This week, we also looked more in depth at the River Nile and learned why it was so important to the Ancient Egyptians. Pupils have produced some great map work and writing to support their learning, as you can see from the photos! 

The Lost Words Poetry

We have started our English this year by reading and listening to the poetry from The Lost Words, all about British nature ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ€

We immersed ourselves in developing our vocabulary and visited the sensory garden to gain first hand experience! After this, we wrote a class poem based on a conker. The children's final pieces were created and illustrated beautifully. 
