Week beginning 8.7.24
We have completed our artwork this week. Here are our sari designs. What do you think?
Week beginning 1.7.24
In maths this week, we have begun to think about numbers beyond 20. We choose a multiple of ten and represented it using a variety of apparatus.
Week beginning 24.6.24
In recent weeks we have been learning about fractions of shapes and of a number. We filled different containers with water which we then poured into a jug to see whether the jug was a quarter, a half or three quarters full.
Week beginning 17.6.24
This week is sports week. Today, we've been playing mini golf which was great fun. Sports day is on Friday morning at 9.30am. We look forward to seeing you there.
Week beginning 10.6.24
On Monday, we visited Rye Meads RSPB reserve. In the morning, we really enjoyed pond dipping, and found all sorts of creatures. After lunch, we identified plants and minibeasts using a key. It was a lovely day.
Week beginning 3.6.24
In Computing we are going to make an e-book this half term. We are going to learn how to animate our pictures and add sounds too. Today we began by drawing our own animal character. Here are some of them.
Week beginning 20.5.24
In Design Technology we have been learning how to make strong structures. We designed and made a piece of furniture for Little Ted. We could only use paper and masking tape. Here are some of the examples we made.
Week beginning 13.5.24
In maths, we have been learning about doubling. We chose two shapes, and made patterns where the number of one shape was double the number of the other.
Week beginning 6.5.24
In music we have been learning about rhythm. We clapped out the rhythms for our favourite foods. Then we put them together to make a longer rhythm for our group to clap.
Week beginning 30.4.24
In maths this week, we have been learning about 'lots of' (multiplication). We have been arranging objects in arrays to help us calculate the answers.
Week beginning 22.4.24
This week, we had a shared reading session with Y3 Wrens. The Y3 children read us a picture book, and we read our phonics books to them. We really enjoyed it.
Our thanks go to Addalynn's mummy who came to tell us what school was like when she came to St Peter's as a little girl. We really enjoyed finding out about it.
Week beginning 15.4.24
In History this half-term we are learning about changes within living memory. We began by learning a little about the history of St Peter's School. We got out the old photo albums and some very old log books to see how school had changed from the time of our parents, our grandparents, and beyond! We even found a photo of one of our parents who came here as a child.
Week beginning 25.3.24
In maths we have been comparing capacity, length and weight using non-standard units.
Week beginning 18.3.24
Today we have been on our walk around the local area, looking for physical (natural) and human (made) features in the landscape. It was fun. We kept a tally of what we saw. Many thanks to our parent helpers.
Week beginning 11.3.24
In geography this week we have been looking at a bird's eye view photo of the area surrounding St Peter's. We worked in small groups looking for examples of roads, residential buildings, public services such as schools and leisure centres and open space. We colour coded them on our copy of the map.
Week beginning 4.3.24
In art, we have been experimenting with the different tones and lines you can get with different media. We used pastels, colouring pencils and charcoal.
Week beginning 26.2.24
In Literacy we have been reading 'The Last Noo-Noo' by Jill Murphy. You might like find a recording of it being read online.
We have been imagining conversations between some of the characters in the story, and also writing questions that we would like to ask them.
Week beginning 12.2.24
This week, we have been making our pictures with moving parts. We chose our favourite background picture and added sliders, levers and lift the flaps.
Week beginning 9.2.24
This week in maths, we have been using the number rods (Cuisenaire) to help us make addition number sentences and understand part/part/whole models.
Week beginning 29.1.24
In History, our topic is 'Great explorers'. We have found out about Ibn Battuta, Amy Johnson, Neil Armstrong and Columbus.
Week beginning 22.1.24
In Design Technology this half term, we are learning to make a picture with moving parts. We have explored sliders, levers, lift the flaps and pop-ups. Here are some examples we have made based on the stories of The Gingerbread Man and Jack and the Beanstalk.
Week beginning 15.1.24
In PE, we have been working on orienteering activities. In this lesson, we had to set out the equipment according to a given plan.
Week beginning 8.1.24
In Maths this week, we have been comparing length and height.
In our Literacy lessons, we have been reading the book 'Tuesday' and have been really enjoying it. We ordered some pictures from the story and used them to retell it with our learning partner.
Week beginning 11.12.23
Over the last few Literacy lessons, we have been writing a non-chronological report about forest animals. We found out lots of interesting facts about foxes, hedgehogs and owls. Here is some of our writing.
Week beginning 4.12.23
In art this week we used the collagraph blocks we made last week to print with.
Week beginning 27.11.23
We have been orienteering this week. We used a map to find the stations and then reported back the letters and symbols that were on them. It was fun.
Week beginning 20.11.23
This week we have begun to learn about place value. We have been investigating teen numbers and making them with different types of equipment such as Numicon. We have learned that 14 is 'ten and four ones', for example.
In computing we have learned that the word 'algorithm' means a set of instructions. We discovered that being very clear and doing things in order was very important. We had to describe a multilink model to our partner who had to make the model without looking at the picture and only by listening to our instructions.
Week beginning 13.11.23
This week is Anti-bullying week. We enjoyed talking about differences and wearing our odd socks on Monday. Here is a photo taken during our workshop.
In art his week, we learned how to make a stencil from a piece of card. We then used it to print in each of the primary colours, partially overlaying the stencil each time.
Week beginning 30.10.23
This week we have been thinking about the changes that happen in autumn. We went outside to look for signs of autumn and found lots of colourful autumnal trees.
Week beginning 16.10.23
This week and last, we have been making our fruit kebabs. The children were challenged to make an attractive, healthy snack for themselves. It was fun to make and a treat to eat afterwards!
Week beginning 9.10.23
In history this week, we had a visit from a Year 1 grandparent, who told us all about the toys she had played with when she was a child. We really enjoyed it and we learned a lot.
Week beginning 2.10.23
This week in science, we have been learning about our sense of smell. We carried out an investigation to see if we could identify some common things just by smelling them. It was quite hard!
Week beginning 25.9.23
We are having lessons with our gym coach, Mr Westley, this half term. Today, we worked on forward rolls.
Week beginning 18.9.23
On Tuesday, we had our Toys workshop. In the morning we had a chance to explore lots of old toys. There were lots - toys made of wood, toys made of metal, a collection of dolls, a collection of different types of puppets, jigsaws, trains, teddies, hoops.... Here we are playing with them.
And here are some of the toys themselves.
In the afternoon, we had the chance to make some of these toys for ourselves. We made puppets, dollies, flip books, spinning topsl and more!
Week beginning 11.9.23
This week we have been revising the Zones of Regulation, and thinking about how these look on our faces, or feel inside.