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Year 3 - Wrens

Kew Gardens!


We had so much fun on our trip to Kew Gardens. We visited The Hive, the Palm House, the Princess of Wales Conservatory and the Children's Garden. We enjoyed looking at the wide variety of plants. 


Empathy Day 


Today was 'Empathy Day'. We learned all about what empathy means and how we can be empathetic towards the people around us. We also made resolutions for how we would show empathy this week. 


Dog Smart!


Today we were visited by Darcy from Dogs Trust. He did whole school assembly as well as a workshop about being 'Dog Smart'. We learned a huge amount about how to behave safely around dogs. 

Shared Reading with Foxes


On Monday we went down to Year 1 Foxes and did some shared reading which we really enjoyed. 


Welcome back!

I hope you all had a wonderful break. 

We are kickstarting our new term with our final Whole Class Reading Text 

'The Land of Roar' by Jenny McLachlan 



A big well done to Wrens for being such fantastic pirates in our school production 'Pirates Vs Mermaids'!  You all worked so hard to learn the songs and then perform them with such enthusiasm. Thank you so much to parents for all your support! ARRRRRRRR!! 




Friday 15th March

Comic Relief

Well done to everyone for getting involved in Comic Relief on Friday. It was great  seeing all of the children dressed in red. We had lots of donations, thank you for your generosity!

World Book Day

Yesterday was World Book Day and the children brought in their projects from home: a recreation of a book! 


Class Trip to the Cathedral 

This week started with our trip to St Alban's Cathedral! 

We used maps and compasses to navigate our way through the cathedral and learned some interesting historical facts too. 


Friday 9th February


In science we have been investigating forces and magnets.

Today we discovered that magnets have poles, and North and South poles attract to each other!


Friday 26th January

It's been great to see so many of you getting stuck in with the reading challenge, well done!


In D&T this week we learned two techniques for chopping vegetables, the 'bridge' and 'claw'. 


Friday 19th January 

This week we have been exploring perimeter of different shapes. On Tuesday we used 5 rectangles measuring 5x2cm to create a shape with a perimeter of 42cm. There was lots of trial and error but we enjoyed the challenge!

Friday 12th January 2024

In Maths we have been exploring perimeter of rectangles, we measured our books, tables and even the MUGA. We have also been creating rectangles with pencils and working out the perimeter.  

We also started reading our new Whole Class Reading text:

Roald Dahl's The Witches


Friday 5th January 2024

Happy new year and welcome back to Spring Term. In Maths we have been exploring the properties of regular and irregular polygons.


In English we have started our whole school text 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner and we are really enjoying it. We have also watched an animated version of the story and I have attached a link if you would like to watch it at home. 

 Link to Tuesday on YouTube

Friday 8th December 

In English we have been exploring the genre of fables and linking them to our text 'War and Peas' by Michael Foreman.


Here is one of our freeze frames based on a page from the book. 



Friday 13th October

This week has been an exciting week! 

On Thursday we had our orienteering cross-curricular event, which was lots of fun! We learned skills such as how to 'set' our map. 



In DT we have been designing packaging and this week we digitally designed our box nets using purple mash. 




 Friday 22nd September 2023

In DT we have been exploring packaging. This week we were using our knowledge of shape to create a window into our boxes so that a consumer could see inside. 




Welcome to Year 3 Wren Class!

Friday 8th September 2023

Welcome to our class page. We have had a fun filled first week and I am super impressed by how well everyone is settling into Year 3. In Maths, we have been using different equipment to represent 3-digit numbers and have started looking at Stone Age Boy in English lessons.


We have been enjoying reading Planet Omar:Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian.


Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's