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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

How are resources and provision allocated?

The allocation of support is made on an individual basis because the support is matched to a child’s individual needs. Your child’s teacher will meet with yourself and your child separately to discuss the level of support they may require. It is important to strike a balance between giving your child the support they need to make good progress and allowing them to develop independence as a learner.

The school receives a budget that is specifically for developing special educational needs provision. This is used to provide support staff, purchase learning resources and pay for training etc and is allocated to children according to the provision agreed for them. For example, if you and your child’s teacher agree that your child needs to carry out a specific writing programme, then the SEN budget will be used to ensure they have the correct resources, adult support and that the staff receive any training required to deliver the programme effectively.

 If your child requires individualised one-to-one support in addition to the support available as part of the SEN budget, it is possible for the school to apply for Local High Needs Funding

If you have any concerns about the level of support your child is receiving please discuss this with your child’s teacher or book some time to talk to Mrs Hawker (Inclusion Leader).

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's