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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Year 1

Chiltern Open Air Museum

We had a wonderful trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum yesterday. The children took part in a 'Toys from the Past' workshop, where they made a thaumatrope. They then explored the museum where we saw a blacksmith hard at work! Finally, they took part in a 'Victorian Wash Day' workshop, using the scrubbing boards and mangle.

A big thank you to all the parents that helped on the day.

We have had another lovely week in Year 1. We have continued securing our knowledge on bonds to 20, using bar models in Maths.

We did some cross curricular History and Art this week, getting very sticky making an 'old and new' collage!

We are very excited to have a story teller come into school today for World Book Day.

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely break.

In Year 1 this week we have started our new text in English - Dear Fairy Godmother. The children have written some lovely sentences about their favourite and least favourite parts of the story. In maths, we have been securing our knowledge on bonds to 20.

We have come to the end of our Man on the Moon topic, and the children have written their own stories with new characters and settings. We finished our Geography topic this week with a walk around the local area, despite the chilly weather!

Also in Art, the children have used watercolours to make a background, then line drawing to create a portrait. Well done to all the children for all of their hard work this half term!

Have a lovely break.

We are in full swing in our Talk for Writing unit about The Man on the Moon! We have been learning the story and the actions, designing a poster, and creating our own aliens and using adjectives to describe them. We have also made some wonderful Pop Art portraits in Art this week for our display.
Thank you to all that came to our first Learn and Share event last week, we hope you enjoyed it. We have had a lovely week in Year 1, learning about shapes in Maths, and continuing our Science topic about seasons - we made a class pictogram to show which month and season our birthdays are in.
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful break. We have been busy in Year 1 starting our new topics. In Maths we have been learning about doubling and halving, and odd and even numbers. We have started our new Talk for Writing unit of work, looking at a book called 'Man on the Moon'.
It's been a busy week in Year 1 with a dress rehearsal to the school, then two performances to the parents and carers. The children have done so well and I am so proud of them! 

The children loved putting together and then performing their weather forecasts earlier this week, well done to all! We are still very busy rehearsing for our Christmas production, we think it's going to be amazing!

In maths this week we have started estimating and comparing different quantities. We have been keeping a weather diary for our Geography topic, so far there has been rain all week...

The children are very excited about the Christmas production and we have been practising the songs as often as we can!

We kick started our Geography this week by naming the British countries and capital cities. In English, our Talk for Writing unit is drawing to a close with the children independently writing their own set of instructions.
This week in Maths, the children have been finding equivalent ways to make the same total. In Science, we have been learning about our senses and labelling parts of the body.

What a lovely first week back! The children have been busy in English, starting their new Talk for Writing unit. Currently we are writing instructions on How to Trap a Dragon!

The children have had yet another busy week! In Maths, we are consolidating our knowledge on number bonds to 10 and representing 10 in different ways.

We have finished our Science unit on Plants, and our History unit on Toys - the children have worked so hard this half term.


Have a lovely break!

During History, the children have been learning about what types of toys children played with in Victorian times, and compared them to the toys we have today. 


We have almost finished our Talk for Writing unit on Rapunzel, and the children are just getting ready to write their own versions of the story!

Continuing with our Talk for Writing unit on Rapunzel, the children have learnt some actions to re-tell the story, and drawn story maps. 

In Science, we learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees, and naming the parts of a tree.

The children have been working so hard on their maths! We found one more and one less a little tricky, so we have had a few days to work on that - supported by homework. 

In Art, the children have taken time to draw a self portrait and I have to say they look fantastic! 

Th children have started their Talk for Writing unit based on an alternative version of Rapunzel.

They have loved making comparisons between this version and the original, and writing about their favourite and least favourite parts of the story. We are focusing on using finger spaces in our writing.

We have had another lovely week in Year 1. In Maths, the children have been learning to use tens frame - using their knowledge of number bonds to ten.

We also had a lovely day where the children brought in their favourite toys to talk about, draw pictures of and describe.

All About Me


Year 1 have had a lovely first week at school, making booklets all about themselves. They have drawn and labelled themselves, drawn pictures of their families and where they live, as well as writing sentences to describe a hobby that they enjoy.

Enjoying their first computing lesson

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's