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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

How does the school identify children who may need extra support or may have special educational needs?

First Concerns Form

At St. Peter’s we have high aspirations for all our children. We regularly monitor and review their progress by using assessments and observations. These assessments and observations give teachers a clear indication of any children who may need additional help. If you are concerned that your child may need extra support we ask you to discuss your concerns with your child’s class teacher.

The SEN Code of Practice states that a child has special educational needs if they have a learning disability which requires special provision to be made for them. A child has a learning disability if they have significantly greater difficulty with learning than children of the same age or they have a disability that prevents them from accessing the facilities provided for others of the same age.

Some children are already identified as having special educational needs before they begin school, or soon after joining school, by their GP, paediatrician or other professional. As a school, we would identify a child as having a ‘significantly greater difficulty with learning’ if they were achieving attainment levels significantly lower than age expectations or if they require continued additional support to be able to progress in one or more curriculum areas.

If we feel that your child may have special educational needs, your child’s teacher would meet with you to discuss their learning and progress and agree with you how their needs can be best supported. Their teacher would also meet with your child to talk about how we can help them to learn and to find out what they feel would work best for them. They would also complete a first concerns form and send it to Mrs Hawker












Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's