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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

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We had a wonderful time preparing for and celebrating Marvin's 5th birthday.

On Monday 22nd July we will be talking about sun safety and celebrating Marvin's 5th birthday with a teddy bears picnic. The children have written an invitation to their bears to invite them to the party. Please look inside the book bag for the invitation.

We continued the discussion on littering and recycling and read the book entitled 'The Messy Magpie'. From this book we talked about man made and natural materials, we created a nest using natural materials.

Today we discussed the importance of not to dropping litter and recycling, so we can keep our environment and creatures safe. We went litter picking outside on the school grounds.

Today we used the computers to compare the differences between seaside holidays in the past to the present. We carried out various seaside related activties on the computers.

Technology hunt

During our UW lesson we turned our Bee-Bots into a pirate hunting for treasure. We programmed our Bee-Bot to find the treasure marked with X. We had to look and listen to the Bee-Bot carefully to know when it has finished the set of instructions. We cleared the previous set of instructions before entering a new set.

Today we carried out some investigative learning with water, we predict which items would float or sink when placed into a water tray. We recorded our predictions and actual results in a table and discussed our findings.

Tobi's mum talked to us today about Brazil. She told us that it is a very hot country which loves football! Tobi's mum showed us a Brazilian football shirt and the Brazilian flag. We saw many pictures of the Amazon rainforest and the animals that live there such as the toucan and pink river dolphin. Tobi's mum read us a book called Tapajos it had some words in Portuguese.

Today we investigated the chicks favourite food and discussed how the chicks have changed. We had the chance to each hold and stroke the chicks.

Meet Our 5 Very Hungry Caterpillars

Today we learnt about Easter and how it is celebrated and made cornflake Easter nests!

Phonics Stay & Play! - List of activities and instructions on how to play the games are available on the 'Weekly Phonics Update' section of the website

Today we used the computers to find out information about gardening. We used this information to create our own gardens on the computer.

Monday Wellbeing- We talked about our feelings, made squishes and calming jars to help our emotions.

Signs of spring walk

Planting a bean- We observed and explained what had happened to a bean when it had been placed in different conditions. We used this to discover what a bean needs in order to grow and planted our bean.

Friendship- we love and care for our friends. We have similarites and differences to each of our friends and our fingerprints make us all unique!

Learning about the Chinese New Year

People Who Help Us Week- Today we learnt about the role of the police and nurse

Today we met four pets which belong to our friends. Walter, Baxter, Molly and Fred. We found out how to care for these animals, what they like to eat and the tricks they can do. We learnt about why animals behave in certain ways, how they change and what they need to survive.

Look at our wonderful drawings created on the computer.

Parents looking at the Reception Journals

Making up our own stories in Reception

How we spend our time in Reception

We share our Show and Tell
