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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Year 5

Our Class School Council Reps are:

Toby S & Adriana


Our PE days are Wednesday and Fridays- please come to school in your PE kits on these days!



On Monday, Year 5 participated in First Aid workshops led by Direct Action Training. We learned lots about using first aid materials through the interactive and active sessions,  trying out our new bandaging skills and also learning how to administer CPR on dummies. This was a free workshop as part of our School Games offer, following on from our PSHE lesson on 'What to do in a medical emergency' and learning about the recovery position. Although we hope we don't have to use these skills, the children will hopefully be able to respond sensibly and appropriately if they do!





We've had a fantastic start to National School Sports Week, with fencing and archery workshops, where we've learned the correct stance and new skills. 

"very fun and we should add it to our curriculum so we can learn more!" 
"it was epic! I loved learning how to shoot!"

"best thing we've ever done!"



"I enjoyed beating Miss Honour at fencing!"

"It is a very fun experience, I liked learning how to sword fight!"

"It is an intense sport which I think everyone will love"


"It has been a privilege to experience these sports and learn new skills!"


Today, Friday 18th June, rain put pay to our outdoor PE plans so we learned all about what to do in a medical emergency and practiced the recovery position 🤕🏥🚑

Year 5 have been focused and enthusiastic about their learning and assessments this week, creating independent writing about 'The Whispering Woods'.

Despite a busy week with assessments and play rehearsals, we managed to squeeze in a couple of visits to the newly hatched chicks. The children all had the opportunity to hold the chicks or stroke them, and have affectionally named one 'KFC'!

DT - Creating Seasonal Tarts

Our new Design Technology topic is Seasonal Food. We have been thinking carefully about the different foods that are produced at different times of the year. Thinking carefully about the impact of eating seasonally. This week, on one of the hottest days of the year we made fruit tarts, choosing seasonal fruits. 

It was wonderful to enter the Hertfordshire Year 5 Maths Challenge with two teams from St Peter's this week. They had participated in a tricky memory round prior to the live event, which we had been practicing in class and I'm sure all of Year 5 can testify to how hard it was! On Wednesday, we tuned in for our live heat, against 27 other teams. Both teams worked extremely well as a group to solve a range of calculation, problem solving and estimation questions that even Miss Honour found challenging! Although we don't know the results as yet, everyone tried hard, applied their excellent Maths knowledge, and was a credit to St Peter's. Congratulations Sara, Piper, Jacques, Rory, Elodie, Toby, Alfie and David!



Busy at work!

This week, Year 5 have been avidly discussing books! We have nominated, talked about, and voted for our favourite books, for our Year 5 World Cup of Books. There has been a brilliant array of fiction books nominated, with passionate debates over each of their merits. In our penultimate lesson, we wrote persuasive paragraphs to convince others to vote for their chosen book, between the final books 'Tom Gates' and 'Night Bus Hero'



Year 5 have been reading, analysing and imitating suspense stories, such as Little Vixen Street, since home learning began. This week, they wrote their own tension-filled short stories, including a variety of features from the genre, such as the rule of 3, short sentences for build up, and hiding details from the reader. They produced some incredible writing and have finished by making these into their own books!


Friday 4th December

Year 5 had a brilliant, Egyptian themed day today! We have focused on DT projects this morning, sculpting canopic jars from clay, designing and constructing our own 3D sarcophaguses and writing hieroglyphics on papyrus paper. This afternoon included Egyptian themed dance, where we learned to 'dance like an Egyptian', and finally we got to experience first-hand the mummification process! The children's efforts in creating and wearing Egyptian clothing was great to see and I'm sure they can tell you many facts about their learning from this term!

Photos from Egyptian Day!


Today (01.12.20) we measured the weight of items in air and in water, and compared the results. We discovered that items weigh less in water. Perhaps you can ask Year 5 to explain why?

Year 5 vs Year 6 PE


Event Year 6 Year 5
Football 5 2
Netball 5 2
Girls Run 32 23
Boys Run 12 33
Toe Taps 10 8
Leg Stand 20 30
TOTALS 84 98
Welcome back to the Autumn Term!