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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school's governors and the work that we do.


The Governing Body


The Governing Body of our school helps to ensure the highest quality of education provision and to act as the accountable body for the school. We do this by setting the strategic vision and the ethos of the school, together with monitoring and challenging the school’s performance and acting as a supportive but ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher.


Members of the Governing Body include members of staff, parents, a representative from the Local Education Authority and other local volunteers; all of whom have the sole aim of seeing the children at the school receive the very best education possible. Our parent and community governors have a range of different backgrounds and experience and bring many beneficial perspectives to the life of the school.


We really enjoy the huge satisfaction we get from seeing the school succeed and feel valued for our part in it. We are a strong team with a variety of skills who work well together and have a shared commitment to continuing the journey together for the benefit of all our children in the future.


If you want to find out more about the Governing Body at St Peters School or perhaps become more involved in its work, please look at the links below.  You can also write to the Chair of Governors – James Clarke– at the school.

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's