09/01/25 In Maths we put a variety of materials in order from the shortest to the longest.
Week commencing 09.11.24
We have been looking at traditional tales in Literacy. We have read The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Princess and the Pea and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
We will be writing our own traditional tale!
Week commencing 11.11.24
On Friday 15th November we learned about Divali in RE and made our own Rangoli.
Week commencing 04.11.24
In Play and Learn this week we made a junk model dinosaur landscape.
Week commencing 23.9.24
In our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lesson we talked about our class charter and discussed what our rules should be for these lessons. We signed the charter with our hand prints.
Week commencing 16.9.24
Year 1 enjoyed an all day history workshop, learning about toys from the past. In the afternoon the children crafted their own old fashioned toys to play with.
Week commencing 9.9.24
The children had their first gym lesson with Mr Westley our coach this week. We practised different shapes such as star, straddle and pike