We have continued in our local history topic to the period of time between AD43 and AD60. The children learnt about the tension between the Celts and Romans during the Roman invasion of England and the events which led to the Battle of Watling Street. Next week, we will act out these events so please bring in any battle toys/costumes such as swords or shields to enrich the re-enactment.
The Year 3 and 4 production is taking place on the 26th March and your child has now been given their lines. Please practise these at home over the coming weeks. If you need another copy, please let me know.
We have now started our new Talk for Writing topic of explanation texts. Our model text is called 'The Teacher-Pleaser Machine'. Ask your child to show you our actions so far using the text map below.
Although it still very much feels like winter outside, we have set up our experiment in the classroom where we will investigate the effect that water has on plant growth. Watch this space for the results next week!
Skip 2 B Fit
Yesterday, the children all tried their hand at some skipping using special ropes which count your number of skips. We all had such a great time and can't wait for the chance to use them weekly.
In maths, we have been looking at the differences between parallel and perpendicular lines and the angles that are made when lines meet.
We are so fortunate to have representatives from St Albans Boys School visit us every Friday afternoon for an art session. The last two weeks have been spent creating beautiful watercolour paintings and 3D models of flowers for our display in the dining room.
I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break!
We have jumped straight back into our maths this term by looking at representing data on bar charts. The children have worked hard to find the differences between different data points as well as building and drawing their own charts.
We also started our new local geography topic, focusing on the geography of St Albans. The children used maps and atlases to explore the world and name and locate the 7 continents. Why don't you ask them if they can remember all 7?
The children spent Wednesday afternoon travelling back in time to the Old Stone age where they wrote a postcard to a friend or family member describing what life was like back then. As a class, we discussed the differences between life then and now and decided that there were plenty of exciting and dangerous adventures to be had 23,000 years ago!
The children are looking forward to their Stone Age to Iron Age day next Wednesday (20th November).
Well done Year 3 for an incredible class assembly! Your hard work well and truly paid off and the rest of the school learnt a lot about life in the Stone Age.
The children have been working on their balancing skills in gymnastics this week and were able to produce some impressive counter balances.
Wow, what a busy half term! Well done for all of your hard work Year 3 and I hope you have a well-deserved rest.
Year 3 Class Assembly
Please continue to practise your child's lines for our class assembly on Friday 8th November and begin to bring in any props and Stone Age clothing when we return after half term.
The children had a fantastic week immersing themselves in free-verse poetry. They even had a go at writing their own poems about the items they treasure the most. We used expanded noun phrases and alliteration to built exciting and imaginative poetry.
After a great amount of hard work and determination, the children finished their discussions this week. The progress that their writing has made over the half term has been fantastic to see, well done Year 3!
Year 3 Class Assembly
Please continue to practise your children's lines with them in preparation for our class assembly. They can be found in your children's homework books. Please also find the prop list attached below. If you have any of these items, please may they be brought into school as soon as possible.
This week, we started looking at measurements in maths. The children had a great time estimating the length of a variety of objects around the school and used different equipment and units to measure their true lengths.
Our Stone Age class assembly is on Friday 8th November. This week, the children have taken home their lines to practise over the weekend in preparation for rehearsals next week.
Show and Tell
Please find the show and tell rota for the autumn term below.