Week beginning 10.2.25
Tuesday was Safer Internet Day. The children learned that they should tell a trusted adult if they see anything online that worries them.
In Design Technology we have been making our pictures with moving parts using sliders, levers and lift the flaps.
Week beginning 3.2.25
In science this week we have been sorting objects according to their properties.
Week beginning 27.1.25
We have been reading 'Ruby's Worry' in our Literacy lessons. We made books for Ruby with advice for what she could do if she had a worry.
Week beginning 20.1.25
Our new science topic is 'materials'. We began by learning a little about six materials - glass, wood, plastic, metal, fabric and paper. Then we sorted some everyday objects according to what they were made from.
In history, our topic is 'Great Explorers'. We have been learning about Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus, among others.
In Design Technology this week, we learned how to make a lever.
Week beginning 13.1.25
We have continued to practise reading a key. Today we have been making letter shapes with cones, quoits and beanbags.
Week beginning 6.1.25
We are learning to use a key to find things on a map.
In design technology this half-term, we will be learning how to make a picture with moving parts. We began this week by looking at books and finding examples of lift the flaps, levers and sliders.
Week beginning 16.12.24
This week we have finished this term's learning in art. We made a collograph tile and printed a repeating pattern with it. Do you like them?
Week beginning 9.12.24
This week in computing, the children have been learning what an 'algorithm' is (a set of instructions for the computer) and the importance of giving those instructions in order. On the laptops the children sequenced pictures and instructions in order to make an algorithm for making a cheese sandwich.
During our final Outdoor Learners session, we made a Christmas wreath using evergreen leaves from the school grounds.
Week beginning 2.12.24
This week in science we have learned that we can sort all animals according to what they eat. These animal groups are called carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Week beginning 25.11.24
In our Literacy lessons, we are reading and writing traditional tales. This week, we are writing our own version of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, changing the animal to one of our own choice.
Week beginning 18.11.24
In science we have been learning how we can group animals.
In RE we have been finding out about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Working together in groups, we made Rangoli patterns using pasta, rice and lentils. We were very pleased with the results.
Week beginning 11.11.24
This week is anti-bullying week. On Tuesday, we celebrated diversity by wearing odd socks.
Week beginning 4.11.24
This week in Literacy we have been learning what an adjective is. We wrote poems entitled 'Green is...'. Here are some of them.
Week commencing 21.10.24
This week we have been making our fruit kebabs in Design Technology. We thought about our favourite fruits and practised our cutting skills with play dough. Then we tasted 5 different fruits and chose those we'd like to use on our kebab. Finally we made them and ate them!
Week commencing 14.10.24
In science we have been learning about the senses. Last week we investigated our sense of touch. We felt things we couldn't see to try to identify them. This week, we have been trying to identify a range of things using our sense of smell only. Perhaps you could try this at home.
Week commencing 7.10.24
In history, we having been learning about toys in the past. A grandparent came to talk about the toys she played with when she was a child. We really enjoyed it.
Week commencing 30.9.24
In Literacy, we have begun to read 'Puffin Peter' by Petr Horacek. We began by finding out about puffins. Here is some of our work.
Week commencing 23.9.24
In our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lesson we talked about our class charter and discussed what our rules should be for these lessons.
Week commencing 16.9.24
On Tuesday, we had our Toys workshop. The children really enjoyed finding out about and playing with lots of old toys, and learning about how they were different from toys today. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to make lots of toys ourselves to take home. Many thanks to all our grown up helpers!
Week commencing 9.9.24
The children had their first gym lesson with Mr Westley our coach this week. We practised different shapes such as straddle and pike.