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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Visions and Values

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

'Helping every child to flourish'


Children will leave St Peter’s as rounded, independent young people who are prepared and excited to take the next step to secondary school.  Children are ready to make a positive contribution to society as they grow up.



Values – What are our guiding principles?  What behaviours do we want to see?



At St Peter’s we promote positive attitudes so that the children are resilient risktakers ready to manage the transitions that they will face as they move through the school and on to secondary school.  We recognise that language is a vital means of communication and that the children need to have well developed oracy skills and be confident speakers so that they are able to communicate positively with all members of the school community.



At St Peter’s we work hard to create a safe, nurturing and caring environment both in and outside of the classroom.  We recognise the importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing.  Emotional health and social development is at the forefront of all that we do.  Children are encouraged to be kind and considerate towards each other and care for the environment in which they learn.



At St Peter’s we strive to meet the individual needs of all learners through understanding their learning developmentally.  We believe that everyone has a valuable role to play in our inclusive school community and we seek to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the success of the school.


Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's