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St Peter’s School

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In Literacy we have been finishing our latest unit: writing a narrative - an animal adventure story.

On Monday, we did some serious editing!!! I introduced the children to editing tables: each table had a different focus, e.g. fronted adverbials, prepositional phrases, feelings, adverbs, precise verbs etc. They took their books along, and had 6 minutes at each table to find a minimum of 2 words they would like to add to their work and make the appropriate changes. It was amazing and the up-levelling was really effective.

In Science, the children became engineers and tried to figure out how to create a switch for an electric circuit with a piece of cardboard, two split pins and a paper clip....


Science was really exciting this week, we continued with our topic 'Electricity'. We experimented with building a circuit The children learnt about the terms: crocodile clip, insulator, conductor and wire. The children then build circuits adding different components e.g. buzzer, switch, motor and bulb. We also attached a cell and the children figured out what happens with one cell and one bulb and then with one cell and two bulbs....


This week, we have been converting length, mass and time in our Maths lessons.

1 km = 1000 m

1 kg = 1000 g

1 hour = 60 min 

1 min = 60 sec

1 day = 24 hours

The children were extremely busy. We also discussed  how important it is to include units behind the numbers.

This term, we have started teaching Geography, Sustainability. The children were really engaged and we had long discussions and conversations about the importance of sustainability and what we can do at home to be more sustainable.


Welcome back Kingfishers!

We have started the new year with a full program. On Tuesday the children returned to a full day of DT (Design and Technology). Our focus was 'Linkages and Levers'. We looked at objects around the house to see where we could find linkages and levers in everyday items. We looked closely at: scissors, staplers, bike brakes, can openers and tongs. Throughout the day we built several mechanisms using card and split pins. We looked at subject specific vocabulary e.g. linkage, lever, pivot, guide, mechanism etc. After experimenting with building moving mechanisms, Kingfishers designed a card thinking about its purpose and design features. Then they were, finally, able to create their card. The majority of them came  home already (some are still hidden in the drawers as surprise presents). 



We have been catching up with our last remaining Science lessons this week.

Some of the scientific questions we have been asking were:

  1. Is the bottle empty?
  2. Does air weigh anything?
  3. At what temperature does cholcolate change its state of matter.

We conducted several lovely experiments and the children very dilligently recorded their findings.

In our final lessons we looked at the water cycle and the children created a beautiful piece of mixed media showcasing their knowledge.



This week in Science we habe been classifying materials into liquids and solids. We have been looking at materials like sand, slime and glitter.


We have finished our poems last week and the children were able to present their published and illustrated poems to the entire class. It was beautiful to see the confidence and pride they presented them with.

In RE we have been looking a little closer at Boudicca and the Roman Gods and Godesses.


Over the past 2 weeks we have been practising our orienteering skills. We set up cones in a certain pattern and the children had to navigate themselves around the cones according to the map. It is an important skill, which we don't really use any more due to Sat Nav and mobile phones. The children did well and loved it!


The week before half term and this week, so far, have been incredible busy. At the end of the first half term we finished our art project and finished all our RE Hinduism lessons. In art the children created their own collage paper using a wide variety of medium. This selfmade paper was used for creating an amazing cake collage. In RE we looked at the importance of a punja tray and what we would find on a typical shrine for worship.


In Art we have been catching up on missed lessons for our cupcake collage and our cake sketching.


We have had lots of fun this week in Maths. At the beginning of the week, we have been working on missing numbers during column subtraction. Children used number cards and hid 2 - 3 numbers and their partner needed to calculate the missing number. The past days we have been working on our multiplication skills ... 7, 8 and 9 timestables! We have been using carousel activities to improve our fluency.



In Science we have been looking at the digestive system. We conducted an experiment. A video that shows the experiment can be found below.

After the experiment the children cut out and, hopefully, stuck the organs in the correct places.....




We started our new Literacy unit this week, The King who banned the dark, and started with discussing what a means to persuade someone. Then we moved on to a class dabate with pros and cons for or against banning the dark. Kingfishers were brilliant!


Today we discussed our most recent Science experiment: How damaging certain liquids are to our teeth. Instead of teeth we used eggshells as this is close to the enamel protecting our teeth. It was quite surprising what the eggs looked like after one week in the liquids.


As always, we have been busy. In Literacy we continued with our 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' unit and the children started planning their graphic novel. The last few days we have focussed on extending our sentences with expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and subordinating clauses.

In Maths we have moved on to addition and subtraction and are still working on rounding to the nearest 10,100 and 1000.

History has taken us to the Roman Empire and we have discovered how big it was and which ruling system was the most efficient (emperor, king or republic). In PE we have started with our netball sessions and have practised our 'chest pass'.


We are already at the end of Week 1. We have been extremely busy these past days.

In Literacy we have started out unit 'Arthur and the golden rope'. At the end of this unit the children will have created an alternative mission for Arthur in style of a graphic novel. Combining art and literacy- what an amazing start to the year.

In art we have started with the topic 'collage' and the children have looked at different styles of collages. Our end project will be making collage cakes! Yum!

In history we have been looking at the story of Romulus and Remus and included acting and story telling.

In Maths we have started with placing 4 digit numbers on number lines, which is not that easy!


Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's