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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

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Year 6

w/b 6th January
Science - Making Blood
As part of our scientific explorations surrounding the circulatory system, we made blood. It was made in stages starting with water to reinforce the idea that it is liquid. The plasma was then added (yellow food dye) as well as the red blood cells (circular cereal coated in red food dye). This gave our liquid mixture a nice and very realistic blood red appearance. We then added the white blood cells (white marshmallows) which were followed by the platelets (another type of cereal). The specific job of each component was discussed as the blood was created. This resulted in a labelling activity.

w/b 16th December

Christmas Break

Well, it is fair to say that it has been a very busy yet enjoyable autumn term in Year 6. Our final week at school before the Christmas holidays has seen many events across the school: children in Sopwell (the winning house for autumn) receiving their reward; special assemblies which included lots of singing; a Year 6 Christmas party where the Christmas karaoke was interrupted by non other than Father Christmas himself! But, despite everything that has taken place this week, one of the most exciting events for Year 6 has been Make £5 Grow. It was a great success and lots of money was raised - well done, Year 6!

Have a restful break everyone and we look forward to seeing you all in 2025!


w/b 9th December
D&T - Cushions
As part of our D&T explorations, the children made their very own cushions! Here are some of the creations. It's clear to see what a talented bunch we have in Year 6!

Some children did not have their cushions to hand but, if these are brought into school, we would love to take a photograph of them to include here too.


w/b 25th November
Learn & Share
The children really enjoyed showing off some of the learning we have done this year so far. We are sure you will agree that the Year 6 children were articulate and confident in their explanations and they relished in the opportunity to talk about aspects of their learning whilst sharing key teaching points with parents and carers. A successful morning which was enjoyed by all.

w/b 18th November
Mini Police

The children took part in workshops with some police officers. These sessions were fun yet informative and it was great to see the children interact so well. Well done, Year 6!

w/b 14th October
This week, Year 6 took part in the national cycle training programme, Bikeability. The children were given the opportunity to learn practical skills and to understand how to cycle on today's roads. These are incredibly important life skills to learn and support the children in leading healthy lifestyles with safety at the forefront of their minds. The children were brilliant and it was great to see many grow in confidence across the week.  

w/b 7th October
Trip to St. Albans Museum
The children really enjoyed our trip to St. Albans Museum.


w/b 16th September
Whole Class Guided Reading - Poetry
As part of our Whole Class Guided Reading sessions, we have explored a poem called 'The Climb'. We read through the poem and discussed how it sounded and the children noticed a jagged and spiky effect to its reading. The children were then able to explain why this was done (its purpose) as well as its effect on them, the readers. We annotated the poem whilst picking out imagery, its use of language and its structure. The children did a number of tasks in relation to this poem with the ultimate task being for them to write their very own poem. The class did this brilliantly with all writing poems personal to an activity they like but which gives the reader the same effect they had experienced from 'The Climb'.

w/b 2nd September

What a Great Start + Class Assembly!

Welcome to our Year 6 class page. It is our intention to upload and document many of the fantastic activities that Year 6 take part in across the year so please do check back when you can.

With this being our first week, we have enjoyed getting to know the children better as well as introducing some of the topics we will be exploring together this year.

We were particularly impressed with the children's mathematical thinking and discussion around our Friday task which incorporated reasoning and encouraged the children to consider elements of maths in numerous ways.

Not only thi9s, but we ended the week with our class assembly. It was great to see so many parents and carers in attendance, too.

A great start, Year 6 - well done!

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's