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Archive: Reception: 2016-2017

Welcome to Reception!


Reception have been learning about the life-cycle of a butterfly. We watched the caterpillars form into a chrysalis and then transform into beautiful butterflies. Then we released them in our garden to enjoy the flowers.

Life-Cycle of a butterfly

Last week the eggs arrived at school. We were lucky enough to be in the Community Room as one of the chicks hatched!  Reception had the job of naming one of the chicks using the letter C or D. The children thought of some names and we had a vote. See our pictures below to see which name won!

Meet Daisy!

Last week Reception celebrated 100 days of school. We celebrated with lots of different activities linked in with the number 100. We invited our parents and carers in to join us in the afternoon.

100 days at school

World Book Day; Library vist, 'Pantastic Workshop' and a 'Fairytale Forest workshop from Perform

Only a few more school days until our 100 celebration!

Investigating which materials are suitable for making houses.

'I Love Maths' Stay and Play

Chinese New Year- Lion Dance

Play and Learning in Reception

Street Dance

In PE this week we used coloured material in our dance lesson to represent fireworks.

Reception have been having fun making firework pictures using different materials

EYFS Magical Tea Party

Last week Reception explored our sense of taste. We used this to taste the different fruit that our groups are named after; Mango, Banana, Kiwi, Pineapple and Strawberry.

Fruit tasting

A huge Congratulations to all of the Reception children who have completed their first full week at school! We have had lots of fun and they have settled in extremely well.

Reception's first week at school

Reception made the most of the rain today with lots of fun outdoor activities. The children took part in rain painting, bug hunts and building waterproof dens.

Fun in the rain!

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's