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Archive: Year 4: 2016-2017


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AMERICAN FOOTBALL DAY! Year 4 had lots of fun learning the rules and skills involved in American Football! Thank you for a great morning!

We had a blast at Metro Bank! We visited the Vault, where all the safety deposit boxes are kept and had a go at opening a few of them. We got lots of great goodies and are feeling very confident in our great savings knowledge!

On Thursday, Year 4 planned and taught a PE lesson to Reception class, as part of Sports Week. They created an obstacle course with a 'Jungle Book' theme.

Today was our final visit from the Metro Bank team! We have had lots of fun learning about budgeting today, discussing what is a need and what is a want and how deciphering these can help us to save!

We are very excited to go to Metro Bank next Wednesday 28th June. If any parents can accompany us, please let us know! 

Metro Bank Visit

Year 4 - Science museum

Still image for this video
Monday was an incredibly exciting day for Year 4! Blessed with the beautiful weather we set off on our trip to the science museum in London to research electricity in further depth. On arrival we explored the museum's 'Modern technology' and 'Space' sections. We found out about how the satellites in space were created and got to see a real piece of the moon!
We were very lucky to have been gifted with a free workshop from the museum, which we enjoyed immensely! We learned how electricity is generated, transported and how to avoid dangerous electricity in our homes.
By far our favourite section in the museum was the Wonderlab gallery. In these rooms, curiousity was ignited with several live experiments and demos, enriching the understanding across forces, lights, sound and electricity. Have a peek at some of our photos and videos to see what we got up to!

Year 4 had a lovely, sunny Wednesday afternoon sharing their homework outside

Following our tour of the museum, we had the unique opportunity to handle real Roman artifacts. Through investigating the artifacts, the children found out how the people of Roman Verulamium kept themselves clean and tidy, built their homes, cooked and also what they ate. Some children were used as models, to demonstrate the fashions of the time!

Yesterday, Year 4 went on a fact finding mission in Verulamium Museum. The children began their journey by watching a video on the famous excavations of the site in the 1950's and then traveled around the museum in groups, searching for answers to their fact-find questionnaire. We were very fortunate to see some beautiful mosaics and many other discoveries from the excavation site that helped us to gain an insight into the lives of the Roman settlers of Verulamium.

The children had such a wonderful time on Wednesday, thank you for having us Pizza Express! We had lots of fun learning about the importance of different ingredients and had a go at creating our own Margarita pizzas. Safe to say, it's a lot harder than you'd think !

A huge thank you to our E-Cadets for teaching us how to be responsible and safe online. The children really enjoyed making their own powerpoints and word documents on digital footprints!

Fractions and decimals can be really tricky. That's why Year 4 have been being creative with them! Here are a few pictures showing what we have got up to.

We have been learning about fractions and decimals in Maths and we have created some fun posters to help us out.

During our science lessons, Year 4 have been learning how water changes state and have made beautiful posters detailing the water cycle!

Can you guess which book Year 4 are exploring?

Last week's writer of the week! Isla Padden! Congratulations!

Year 4's fantastic discussion pieces debating whether or not mobile phones should be permitted in school!

Science Investigation. How does the digestive system break down food?

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's