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St Peter’s School

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Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been learning about Boudicca. In Whole Class Reading, we read a non chronological report about Boudicca as well as an ancient folk song about her. In History, the children learnt about Boudicca's revolt and we discussed why there are so many different portrayals of Boudicca. The children read part of the description of Boudicca written by the Roman writer, Cassius Dio and used this to paint their own pictures of Boudicca, a selection of which can be seen below.


We have had a busy week in Literacy. The children started the week by copying up and illustrating their poems (which were based on the poem 'A Small Dragon' by Brian Patten). I will be making a book of all their beautiful poems which will be available to look at during the Learn and Share next week. Here is a small selection of their work:

After completing their poems, the children started their new unit learning about explanation texts. We began the unit by reading 'Rosie Revere, Engineer' by Andrea Beaty which inspired the children to design their own flying machines, a selection of which can be seen below.


We ended Anti-Bullying Week by following the BBC Teach anti-bullying lesson and completing the three activities linked to the lesson. The children listened carefully and completed the activities thoughtfully and maturely. 


The children enjoyed taking part in the Drumbathon this afternoon. As it was our first session, we focused on learning some of the key Drumba moves. It was a very energetic 15 minutes!


This afternoon we completed our collage art project by evaluating each other's work. The standard of work was very impressive as you can see from the photos below.


The children enjoyed their History trip to the Roman Museum yesterday. The first part of our visit was spent exploring the museum and sketching one of the amazing mosaics. We then took took part in a Roman market workshop where the children dressed up and learnt about many interesting Roman objects. As the weather was so lovely, we were able to have our lunch and a play in the playground before returning to school.


This afternoon in Science, the children enjoyed learning about food chains. We had lots of fun completing the Food Chain Challenge together on BBC Bitesize and the children learnt the scientific terms connected with food chains (producer, predator, prey, primary consumer, secondary consumer).


In PSHE this week, we discussed how to work effectively in a group. We are using the letters of the word 'groups' to remind us of how we should work in a small group. The children split into 5 groups which were chosen at random. Each group was given a circle cut into 6 pieces. The children needed to agree on a theme for their circle so that when the pieces were stuck back together in a circle, there was a clear theme or pattern. I was very impressed by the children's team working skills.


This week in Literacy, the children enjoyed creating their graphic novels based on the story 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. This was the final piece of work in our graphic novel unit.


Our next unit focuses on persuasive writing. To start the unit, we read the story 'The King who Banned the Dark' and held a class debate discussing the pros and cons of banning the dark. The children listened carefully to one another and came up with some persuasive arguments.


This week we looked at the results of our experiment to find out the effects of different liquids on our teeth. Last week, we set up 4 glasses each with a hard boiled egg inside. We then filled each glass with a different liquid and left them for a week to see what effect each liquid had on the egg. We discovered that orange juice caused the most damage, followed by coca cola, then milk and finally water which had no real effect on the egg.

The children then wrote letters advising a family member or younger child about which drinks are bad for our teeth.


It has been another busy week in Seals class. The children have written fantastic narratives based on our book 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' and produced some lovely collage cupcakes, see pictures below. In Maths we looked at rounding 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and in Science we set up an exciting experiment to find out the effects of different drinks on our teeth. 


Wow, we are already at the end of the second week! The children have been working hard and I am enjoying getting to know them. Our highlights this week have been:

  • Our first swimming lesson - the children have all been assessed ready to start swimming in their new groups next Tuesday
  • Art - sketching cupcakes which we will be using for collage on Monday
  • Literacy - reading 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' together and planning our own exciting missions for Arthur
  • Maths - placing numbers accurately on number lines and singing the 6 times tables to the tune of Taylor Swift 'Shake It Off'