Congratulations to Reception for their efforts at the Sing-a-thon. They worked really hard and sung so many nursery rhymes!
It is not too late to donate - The Give As You Live pages will be open for another week!
You can listen to each of the songs on the audio file.
Reception & Nursery
Reception only
This week we learnt all about minibeasts and even got to look at some examples kindly lent to us by the Tring Natural History Museum. We looked carefully at their body parts and then had a go at making our own representation using clay.
Over the last two weeks we have been learning about animals that live in the rainforest or jungle. We wrote our own versions of 'Walking through the jungle', created our own mini jungles in the small world outside and set up a vets to take care of the animals in the role play area. We also did a treasure hunt where we had to read clues to find the different animals hidden around the playground.
We have had a busy couple of weeks! We began our PE lessons with Mr Morgan as well as some new Music lessons and have really enjoyed both. Lots of us asked interesting questions about our Under the Sea topic so we started a 'Wonder Wall' where we can write our questions and then find out and discuss the answers. We have been exploring our learning through play by creating seascape collages, junk model boats and investigating the size and scale of sea creatures, plus lots more!
This week we celebrated our 100th day of school! We learnt all about the number 100 in Maths and completed homework projects representing 100. We then presented them to our classmates. On Friday, we had our 100 Day Party where we completed 100-themed challenges and crafts and played party games in the hall before finishing with a party tea.
This week we began our PE lessons, focussing on climbing and balancing. We explored different ways to travel along the bench and practised jumping off and landing safely at the end.
We read 'We're going on a bear hunt' by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. Then we practised retelling the story using puppets and a sensory tray and drew our own story maps. In Maths, we practised positional vocabulary such as 'under' or 'behind' by following picture clues to find the bear, creating obstacle courses and playing back-to-back 'barrier' games where we had to give instructions to our partner to help them build a tower.
This week we read the book 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper and had a go at making our own soup. We had to cut each of the vegetables into small chunks then add the stock and water. Once it had cooked we had a taste - it was delicious!
This week we carried on our magical theme with lots of potion making. We wrote potion recipes, measured capacity and even made the most of the weather by using powder paint to make puddle potions! At the end of the week we read the book 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert and went for a walk to gather leaves before threading them to make leaf necklaces and collaging our own characters.
We had a fantastic time at our Magical Tea Party! We took part in lots of crafts and games in the morning as well as making jam sandwiches and icing biscuits. Then in the afternoon we played party games in the hall and ate our party food!
We are so proud of how well the children have settled in and adapted to school life this half term and we hope you all have a lovely break!
This week we explored the different types of homes people live in around the world. We enjoyed finding our houses on Google maps and some of us chose to make our own streets in Play and Learn. We also learnt about different shapes, made shape pictures, practiced completing jigsaw puzzles and even went on a shape hunt around the school!
This week we read the book Mixed by Arree Chung and talked about how wonderful it is that we are all different! We also explored colour mixing and making colour wheels with paint and natural objects. Some of the children were really interested in playing 'airports' so we got out our luggage and made an aeroplane with the construction blocks as well as our own tickets and passports.
This week we painted self portraits! We had to look closely in a mirror, noticing the different colours and shapes we could see before trying to paint them. Can you guess who some of these are?
We are so proud of all our new Badgers! They have settled in really well and adapted to quickly to our classroom routines. We have seen lots of lovely play ideas and some brilliant games. Well done everyone!