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Year 2 - Owls



We are conducting an experiment on how plants grow in different conditions and some of our broad beans are coming along brilliantly! The children are really enjoying watching the plants grow (or not grow!) and filling out their plant diary each week.





We had a great National Sports Week in Year 2 where we got to try fencing and rugby. The sessions were very informative and the children had lots of fun!






We were very lucky to visit Southend-on-Sea this week to compliment our seaside topics in Geography and History. We met with the RNLI and got to see some life boats before heading onto the world's longest pleasure pier and enjoying some time exploring and playing on the beach. 








We had a brilliant science lesson this week which involved dissecting bulbs! The children learnt all about what's inside a bulb and had a chance to look for themselves.






Year 2 have been busy completing their SATs tests this week. They have all done incredibly well and have approached them with maturity. We are very proud of them!



We are focusing on plants in science and had a chance to dissect and investigate different seeds yesterday! The children were using their magnifying glasses to see if they could locate the baby plant and the food store. 







We have been focusing on Roald Dahl's 'The Twits' in literacy for the last two weeks and the children have produced some brilliant work. They have invented their own trick, wrote a letter to the RSPCA to complain about the Twit's behaviour and a wrote a news article detailing the event of Mrs Twit flying off into the air.







We began looking at our decades work this week and focused on the fashions of the 1980s. The children explored the styles of the decade and had a go at creating their own 80s inspired outfits.






We began looking at our new text 'Elves and the Shoemaker' in literacy this week. We created a story map and came up with actions to learn and follow the story .




We have been focusing on multiplication this week in Maths, and looked at arrays in today's lesson. The children took turns rolling a dice and then making the number in arrays... the first to 100 won! 






This week we moved our literacy focus onto 'explanation texts' and began looking at our new text 'How Do I Care For A Dog?'. We made a text map to map out the structure and key areas of the text.






The children in year 2 had a go at making their own soup this week in D&T where they peeled, chopped and grated vegetables to make a delicious vegetable soup. Next week they will have the opportunity to come up with their own recipes and make a soup of their choice!



Welcome back Year 2! This week we began looking at our new topic in Geography, 'Why Does It Matter Where My Food Comes From?'. We focused on milk in this week's lesson and learnt about the journey from cow to stores!






Year 2 had a wonderful trip to Windsor Castle on Monday where we explored the Castle, tried on armour and took part in the 'Knights Wanted!' workshop.








We focused on the Tower of London this week in our history lessons where we learnt all about the seven ravens, the history of the tower and how it functions today. We created some brilliant information leaflets, detailing all of what we learnt. 






This week in maths we learnt how to solve addition problems using the expanded written method. The children used their existing knowledge of place value and applied this to produce some brilliant work!






This week in Maths we have been learning about measurement and scales. The children estimated how much water it would take to fill a container, measured to check their estimations and began to make their own scales.








Year 2 have had a brilliant first week back at school and we have already been very busy! We began looking at our new text in literacy 'Man on the Moon' and created our story maps which will help the children to better learn and follow the text.






KS1 had their Nativity on Wednesday afternoon and evening and did absolutely brilliantly. Year 2 had the tricky task of the speaking parts but the children all learnt and delivered their lines perfectly. The children have worked so hard on this production over the last few weeks and we are incredibly proud of them!


We really hope that you enjoyed the performances as much as we did!



In D&T we began experimenting with materials for making our toy cars. We tested which materials would be the strongest and most suitable for wheels and axles.





In Literacy we have begun looking at our new text 'How the Camel Got His Hump'. We learnt the text along with some actions and created a story map to follow!






We created a Camel fact file in Literacy in preparation of our new text which we are being introduced to next week!






Year 2 and 3 had a wonderful day at Kidzania on Thursday where the children had the chance to try out a variety of different jobs such as news presenters, rockstars, postmen, fashion designers and police officers! We all had a brilliant day and the children were so well behaved throughout!











In our first Geography lesson this week we focused on location and the continents around the world. The children chose four countries and used their atlases to find the continent, capital city and flag of their chosen countries!








We have been looking at our new text 'Augustus and his Smile' in Literacy which is about a Siberian Tiger who goes on an adventure looking to find his smile. We created a poster encouraging the conservation of Siberian Tigers and the children produced some brilliant work!






We are nearing the end of our History topic 'The Great Fire of London' and wrote some amazing diary entries as if we were in London in 1666!








This week we combined our History topic 'The Great Fire of London' and our Art topic 'Collage' to make some amazing fire collages. We created our own drawing of the London skyline and used tissue paper to create a flame effect. You might be able to see the collages on the wall in our classroom when you are outside!



We have had another brilliant and busy week in year 2. We have continued to develop our knowledge of ‘collage’ in Art this week and focused particularly on Henri Matisse’s ‘The Snail’ in which the children each created their own wonderful snail collage inspired by this piece. 

We were also very lucky to have a Circus Skills workshop earlier this week where the children had the opportunity to try out lots of circus activities and learn numerous incredible tricks! We all thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and it was lovely for the children to have some time out of the classroom where they could be silly and have lots of fun!



We have had two wonderful weeks in Year 2 in which the class have settled in incredibly well and have gotten stuck into their work with great enthusiasm!


We begun looking at our first text in Literacy, ‘Frog and the Stranger’ and the children are thoroughly enjoying it. We are in the process of writing multi-clause sentences with conjunctions to describe the sequence of events.


We had our first art lesson on Thursday in which we began focusing on ‘collage’. The children had a chance to make their own mini collages and do some painting which will be put towards a whole class collage project which we begin next week!

We also came up with lots of exciting ideas about other collages the children would like to make throughout this half term and will hopefully be able to find time to squeeze this into our busy week!

Miss Fletcher and Mrs Malik have been so impressed with the children’s determination and energy these past two weeks and are very much looking forward to the rest of this half term in Year 2!

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's