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Music in the classroom

Autumn Term


Year 1 will be exploring the story of Jack and the Bean stalk through learning a selection of songs telling the story. Alongside this they will be developing their listening skills and will use percussion instruments to compose music linked to the story. 


Year 2 will be exploring the duration of notes. How to play and read long and short notes and compose different rhythms. After half-term they will begin learning songs for their Christmas production alongside exploring pulse and rhythm.


Year 3 will be learning some songs about the stone-age and using these songs to help them learn about how symbols can help us make music.  By the end they will be able to read and play simple rhythms and in turn compose their own.  They will also continue weekly recorder lessons with Ms Hayden.


Year 4 will be continuing their Strings and Things lessons (whole class violin, viola, cello and double bass) with Ms Hayden and Mrs Baker.  They will prepare for a concert to parents at the beginning of November.


Year 5 will begin to learn to play the ukulele.  They will also learn songs to sing at the St Albans Primary School Music Association Christmas Carol service at the Abbey at the end of November. 


Year 6 will be discovering how music has evolved over time.  First exploring and then composing their own medieval song using keyboards, laptops and formal notation.  They will then move on to the 1600's in line with their British Empire topic and will learn an arrangement of Pachebel's Canon using a mixture of tuned classroom instruments and their own.

Welcome back to the Autumn Term!