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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Year 4


To finish our Geography unit of work on Earthquakes, the children produced playscripts in groups which they performed in the style of a news report, from an earthquake site.


This week in English, we finished our unit of work on poetry based upon the text Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We wrote Haiku poems using 5,7,5 syllable rule to portray Michael and Kensuke's views of eachother.


This week in Geography, we compared the earthquake in Haiti to the earthquake in Chile. Despite the Haiti earthquake having a magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale and Chile having a magnitude of 8.8 on the Richter scale, there was more destruction in Haiti.

The children worked in pairs to investigate the reasons behind this.

19.6.24 - National Sports Week

As part of National Sports Week, the children had a session of Vortex Golf today where they had to try and throw the Vortex into the hoop in as little throws as possible. After completing the course, all the children completed it again to try and improve their score!


In previous lessons this week, we learnt the Roman numerals up to 100.

Today in Maths, we came to the end of our unit in Maths on Roman numerals. 

We completed reasoning problems to test our understanding!

We had to be careful to read the question carefully so that we answered every part of the question. 


As part of our RE unit on sacred texts, we went on a virtual tour of a church to locate all the different parts of the church which are important when leading prayer and worship for Christians. 

We analysed 'Psalm 23' and related it to the story of Mary Jones and her bible.

We then wrote our own prayers with what we would ask for, whilst showing gratitude for what we have. 


As part of our Geography unit on 'North America', pupils watched a wildlife conservation charity's video about the dangers threatening sea turtles lives. 

The children grouped these risks into natural hazards and hazards caused by humans.


As part of our English topic on writing narratives based on 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman, we analysed the rich language in chapter 5. In this chapter, the setting of the Fire Fiend Razvani's Grotto is described in incredible detail, using personification to bring the grotto alive. We placed these rich language choices into one of 6 columns: sight, sound, taste, smell, touch or personification.

We will then use these language choices to write an independent setting description of the Grotto tomorrow, incorporating our knowledge of fronted adverbials. 


As part of our PSHE focus of 'Relationships' we focused on the feelings of 'Love and Loss' today. The children looked at the cycle of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, sadness/depression and acceptance) and reflected on times they have felt loss in their own lives. Working in groups, the children then looked at 6 different examples of loss, at varying intensities, and identified which feelings they would have if they were in these situations.



LO: to multiply multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers.

Today in Maths, we used place value notation to illustrate what happens when multiples of 10 are multiplied by 1-digit numbers. The children showed the regrouping of tens to make 100 using a coloured pencil. 


In History, as part of our unit of work on the Ancient Greeks, we learnt about the start of the Olympic games in Olympia to honour the King of the Gods Zeus. We looked at how the Olympic games were similar and different to how we know them today. We then thought about the pre-game and post-game traditions.


As part of our English unit of work on play scripts, the children had a go at performing Chapter VII - The Mad Hatter's Tea Party from Alice in Wonderland. The children varied the tone, pace and volume of their voices as well as their movements to illustrate the stage directions. They then identified which stage directions were key in order to give the audience a good image of the story and how the actors would interpret the stage directions. 


Today Year 4 started their new unit of work in RE 'The importance of sharing food for Sikhs and Christians.' To introduce this topic, the children discussed different religious celebrations where food is shared as a common theme. The children then thought of a personal experience where they have shared food with others and how this made them feel. 


This week in Maths, we introduced the formal written subtraction method with decimals.  On Monday, we had a go at grouping subtraction calculations into those that need regrouping and those which don't. In the next lesson, we used the formal written method to complete the calculations, using a coloured pencil to make the regroupings clear. 


'When I hit the xylophone with the beater, the shortest bar produced the highest pitch sound because the sound had less distance to travel so the wavelength was shorter.'

'With the ukulele, when it had a tight string it had a higher pitch because the vibrations were able to travel faster.'



In PSHE this half term we are focusing on 'Dreams and Goals.' Today we analysed a song titled 'For Me' and had a go at writing our own verse and chorus to include our own dreams and goals. 


In Maths, we have been focusing on decimals and how we can compare, order and estimate. We reminded ourselves of what it means to 'estimate' using terms such as approximately, guess and predict. Next, we used number lines to find the mid-point, lower and upper quartile, which aided us in estimating points on given number lines.




As part of our Science unit of work on sound, we made ear gongs and string telephones. The children were able to see how sounds are made from vibrations, which travelled down the string in both experiments. 

'My favourite sound I made with my ear gong was when I bashed my coat hanger on the white board, the volume was the loudest and the pitch was the highest that I tried!' (Abel).

'When I held the string in the middle of the cups,it stopped the sound because it stopped the vibrations.' (Hermione).


In English, we have been doing a whole-school engagement unit based around the book 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. We have been focusing on using conjunctions to link our ideas within a sentence. Today we went in role as David Toadborough, an animal expert reporting on the behaviours of the Human species. This role allowed us to reflect on how the toad's felt in the book, using formal tone to reflect our profession as reporters. 





Last week in Maths, we focused on interpreting discrete and continuous data to make our own conclusions. Today, we moved our learning on further to making, collecting and recording our own data. We counted how many hops we could do in 2.5 minutes in 30 second intervals and the number of time each dice number was rolled in 2 minutes. Next, we categorised each data set as continuous or discrete data and chose to present the discrete data using our own bar charts. 


'The water cycle is when water travels from land to sky and back again. The water cycle starts when the sun heats up water in rivers and seas so that the water evaporates into the air, as water vapour. The next stage of the journey is known condensation which is when the water vapour particles combine with others to form a cloud. When this cloud gets heavy, it releases as rain, sleet, snow or hail. This is known as precipitation. The last stage is called run off when the rain runs down surface likes hills and mountains and collects in seas, rivers and puddles. Did you know that the same water we have today is the same water that the dinosaurs drank?'



In English, we have been looking at identifying head nouns in order to help us to build our own expanded noun phrases. We used our book 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q. Rauf as a theme for our sentences, which linked to Anti-Bullying week. 


Today in RE we made our own Advent wreaths in table groups, focusing on the four main themes of Advent: peace, love, joy and hope. We discussed how we can create joy, what we wish peace upon, what we have hope for and what the world would look like if it was only full of love. 


This week in RE, Year 4 have explored the place of worship for Hindus, the Mandir.

'When Hindus enter the Mandir, they take their shoes off and wash their hands as a sign of respect' - Billy.

'In the Mandir, they have lots of statues of Gods and Godesses' - Eliza.

'Mandirs are often very colourful, with different colours to represent different Hindu deities' - Sophia.


This week in Science, Year 4 replicated how food is broken down in the human digestive system, using tights and a variety of foods. We found it very tricky to break down the food with our hands before water was added, imitating the job of the digestive acid.



This week in RE, Year 4 discussed where they like to go when they want some quiet and calm time, this included: their bedroom, their garden, their rabbit run and their play-house.

We then related this to the Hindu shrine and the Puja tray, which is used when praying to their chosen deity. 


In Science, we carefully observed the results of our egg experiment, emulating the impact different liquids have on our teeth.

We found that the coca-cola damaged the shell of the egg the most, that the vinegar preserved the inside of the egg and that the water did not damage the shell of the egg at all. 

We used our results to write letter as Dentists, giving our top tips for healthy teeth!


We set up a fair test experiment where we set out to find out which liquid (milk, vinegar, coca-cola or water) causes the most damage to hard boiled eggs, emulating the effect it has on our teeth. 

'The least amount of damage will be from the milk. I think this because it is good for your bones.'

'My prediction is that the coca-cola will break down the egg the most as it has a lot of sugar.'

Next week, we will be looking at our results and making a scientific conclusion.


In Tuesday's maths, we learnt how to regroup 4-digit numbers. We used place value notation to help us to show the regrouping and understand how a number can be written in several different ways.

We then challenged our understanding by completing a number riddle. 


In PSHE this week, we focused on how we can make our Year 4 class a team. We discussed the words 'included' versus 'excluded' and thought of situations where exclusion and inclusion have occurred. As being inclusive is one of our school values, we then discussed how we can be move inclusive.

'People would feel included if everyone was kind.'

'Including means listening to others people's ideas, letting them know they are appreciated.'

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's