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St Peter’s School

Helping every child to flourish

Positive, Caring, Inclusive


Inclusion is an on-going process that celebrates diversity and involves the identification and minimising of barriers to learning and participation that may be experienced by any pupils, irrespective of age, ability, gender, ethnicity, language and social background and the maximising of resources to reduce these barriers.

At St. Peter’s we believe that every pupil has an entitlement to develop their full potential. Education experiences are provided which develop pupils’ achievements and recognise their individuality. Diversity is valued as a rich resource, which supports the learning of all. In this school, inclusion recognises a child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum, which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.

Our mission statement is: ‘Helping every child to flourish.

Postive, Caring, Inclusive’.

Aims and objectives


The school aims to:

  • allow each individual to develop to their potential and to do this within a happy, caring and respectful community where people’s voices are valued and there is encouragement to help others.
  • provide an atmosphere of enjoyment within the school that encourages a commitment to learning, where high standards of effort and behaviour are achieved and education valued.
  • deliver the National Curriculum as an entitlement for all children
  • develop their responsibility and independence.
  • provide children with the knowledge and opportunity to lead active and healthy lifestyles.
  • maximise the use of available resources and to be flexible and responsive to situation and change.
  • recognise and act upon health and safety, individual security and equal opportunities issues to the benefit of all members of the school community.


What is the purpose of our school offer?

St Peter’s School offer sets out in one place what we provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D) throughout their time with us. It explains how we support them on to the next stage of their education. It also outlines our commitment to working in partnership with parents/carers and children in order to deliver effective educational provision for all our pupils.

We will keep our School Offer under review, asking parents and children what is working well and what they want to improve. If you have any suggestions or comments about our school offer, you are welcome to email us at

All words in blue can be found in the glossary.


Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's