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Year 1 - Rabbits



It's the final week in Year 1! We have had a great time playing lots of games, doing an escape room (finding clues around the classroom), continuing to work on our handwriting and watching St Peter's has got Talent. We are now finishing the term with a well earned party! What a great year we've had in Rabbits. 


What a busy week we have had! We have finished our final Talk for Writing unit about The Girl with the Yellow Bag. We wrote about our own magic bags and what we would put inside. In Maths, we have been consolidating our learning of Place Value by using numbers to 100, showing them using the dienes and coins, and partitioning the numbers into tens and ones using a cherry model. Later today, we are going to meet our new teacher and see our new classroom, we are very excited!


In Geography this half term, the children have been learning about the Arctic and Antarctic. They have used a globe to locate the North and South poles, and learnt about the animals that live there. They then compared both locations using a Venn diagram. 


Last week was National Sports week and the children took part in a Rugby workshop with a company called Try Time. They absolutely loved it and even the rain didn't stop them!


After a fabulous Jubilee celebration at the end of last week, the children have now been getting ready for Sports Day! We have been practising our dribbling, throwing and netball shooting skills, as well as running relay races passing the baton. We can't wait for Sports Day and look forward to seeing all the parents there!


The children had a wonderful Science lesson (cross curricular with Art) where they drew an observational drawing of a flower, then coloured it using watercolour pencils. They thoroughly enjoyed this!


Welcome back! The children have come back raring to go and have had a lovely start to the second part of the Summer term. We have been writing our news about what we did over the holidays, and learning to tell the time in Maths. 


What a lovely Art lesson! The children used squares of calico, and used crayons and oil pastels to create wax rubbings. They then painted over it with watered down paint so they could see their wax patterns underneath.


We have had a very nice week in Rabbits, in Literacy we have been learning the traditional version of Rapunzel, and comparing it to a twisted tale. We have written about which one we like best and why, and using adjectives to describe the characters. 


What a great day at Chiltern Open Air Museum! We had a fantastic time, learning about what life was like in the past. The children took part in 3 workshops - the first one was making Rag Rugs, weaving bits of material through a hessian square. The next workshop was the Washday workshop, where the children leant that people used to wash their clothes once a week as they had to do it by hand. They had a go at washing the tea towels, using carbolic soap and the scrubbing board, then squeezed the water out using a mangle. The third workshop was Butter Making, the children had to whip the cream until it turned to butter, and remove the buttermilk - hard work! The children behaved beautifully and all commented on how much they enjoyed the day. 


The children have had a good week in Year 1. We have been writing letters in Talk for Writing based on our text The Day the Crayons Quit, as well as learning about dividing (sharing) into equal and unequal groups in Maths. They have recognised the link to the 2 times table, and that odd numbers cannot be shared equally. 


In Maths this week the children have been learning about Capacity. They have estimated how many cups of water different sized containers would hold, then had lots of fun doing this practically to find out. 


We have also enjoyed the dance workshop we had earlier this week, learning a routine to a 90s pop song!

We have had a busy week in Year 1, finishing off the chairs for baby bear. The children worked hard, putting together all of the skills they have learnt during this unit of work. They tested the chair to make sure it would support the weight of the teddy, and made sure the legs were all the same length and made adjustments as necessary. Well done everyone, the chairs look great!

In DT, our topic is Free Standing Structures. This half term the children have been designing a chair to make for baby bear. They have tested the best way to attach the legs to the seat - either by cutting small snips or by folding the end of the paper. They have then written a plan, ready to make their chairs over the next two weeks. 



Another great week in Rabbits. We have been busy in Computing making our own animated books, this has been very fun finding all the ways to make the picture move across the screen and hearing all of the animated sounds. There were even some spooky ones which the children loved! 

We have started our new Talk for Writing text this week in Literacy, which is a book called Pog. It is about a monster who is afraid of children (which we found very funny!) The children have been learning the story, making up actions and will make simple changes next week.


In Science, the children have been testing materials using a torch to see whether they are opaque or transparent, then recording their results. 


We have had a lovely first week back after half term! We have started our new Talk for Writing topic, which is a non-fiction unit on Non Chronological Reports. In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of part/whole models and have moved on to using a resource called Cuisinaire rods to support our addition and subtraction.


In Art, we read the story of George and the Dragon. The children then drew their own dragons, and used blue and yellow to colour mix different shades of green to paint their dragons. 


In Geography we have been learning about our local area. The children went on a walk around the local area, to look for physical and man made features - ending up at The Nunnery. They had a great time! 


In Art we have listened to the story of Hairy Maclary, then used different media such as charcoal, paint, pencil and pastel to represent the dogs' fur. 



In Literacy this week, we went outside to gather ingredients for Gruffalo Stew. We then used the bossy verbs we have learnt and have written some excellent recipes.


In Computing, we have learnt a new word called 'algorithm' and followed a set of instructions using the paint tools on Purple Mash - this was great fun!

We have been reading a new text in Literacy called Gruffalo Crumble. This is a recipe book and our focus is 'bossy' verbs. The children loved making (and eating) Terrible Tusks! 

A huge WELL DONE to all the children on their Christmas production this week. They have worked extremely hard learning all of the songs and dances and did amazingly well.


We have had another week of play rehearsals in Year 1. We are doing great and are very excited for next week! We had our last Happy Humans session with Charlotte this week, and have made a Friendship Token in PSHE and talked about what it means to be a good friend, and what qualities we look for in a friend.  


It was lovely to see so many of you at the Year 1 phonics and reading workshop this week. The PowerPoint slides are attached in case you were unable to come.


We are getting Christmassy in Year 1! We have spent a lot of time rehearsing the songs for our production and learning some fabulous dance routines, we are very excited! 


In Maths this week, we have been learning to use a new resource called Base 10 (or Dienes) We are embedding our knowledge of place value, and understanding that the 1 in written numbers (11-19) stands for 10. 

Continuing with our DT topic, the children had a go at making a background and then making a lever so that a bumblebee lands on a flower. This was a bit tricky as they had to push a split pin through the card. The children worked so hard on this and produced some amazing work, well done everyone! 


We have started our Sliders and Levers topic in D&T. The children learnt how to make a slider in this lesson. It was quite fiddly but the children did a great job. Well done everyone!

Another super week in Year 1! We have started writing our stories in Literacy, making changes to the original version of The Journey. We also had our first Happy Humans session with Charlotte where we pretended to visit the North Pole - this was lots of fun! 


What a great first week back! We have started our new Talk for Writing book in Literacy called The Journey. The children started off by having a hunt around the classroom, looking for different types of transport. We then moved on to learning a short version of the story, where the children enjoyed doing the actions to the story. 


In Science, we went on an Autumn walk where we looked for signs of Autumn, and learnt about why the leaves change colour.


We have been learning about our senses this half term. We had a great Science lesson yesterday where we had to taste lots of crisps and try to identify which flavours they were. It was lots of fun and very yummy!


We have had a great week in Year 1. We have been reading Rosie's Hen in Literacy, recapping prepositional language and think of our own places we would like to go.


In Science, we have continued our work on senses. We had oranges, shower gel, garlic, herbs and coffee in different cups and then had to see if we could identify them using only our sense of smell!

In Science this week, we have been learning about 'touch' being one of the 5 senses. The children had great fun feeling inside each bag and guessing what was in there. The jelly and the baked beans were the highlight! 

We have had another super week in Year 1. We have been reading a book called Knock, Knock, Who's There? We have chosen our favourite characters, and drawn and labelled some great pictures this week. 


We had Gymnastics with Mark Westley this week where we learnt lots of body positions such as star, ball, tuck, pike and straddle. Maybe the children could give their grown ups a demo at home!

We have had great week in Year 1 this week, getting back into our normal routine! We have been reading a book in Literacy called Oliver's Vegetables, and making simple changes to the story. 


We also had a lot of fun on Tuesday afternoon learning circus skills - we walked on stilts, learnt to walk the tightrope and did some plate spinning - it was so much fun!

Welcome to the Spring Term at St Peter's