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St Peter’s School

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Year 2 - Robins


Today we had our 'Scootability Training', thankfully it stayed dry. The children learnt how important it is to use their break and to stop at a curb and push their scooter across the road.






Today the children spent some time publishing their diary entry and showed off their most amazing handwriting. As a surprise Mrs Doyle and I have taken copies of their first extended writing in Year 2 on 19th September 2023. The children were able to look at their incredible progress in handwriting, sentence structure and writing stamina. Well done Robins!


Last week we went on our amazing field trip to Southend on Sea. We went to the Pier Museum before walking along the longest pier in England and rode on the pier railway before having lunch at the beach. It was a full day but we all loved it.


Instead of working in the classroom in our books for our new Literacy unit 'Last Stop Market Street' we went outside and wrote our ideas and words on the floor with colourful chalk. Children were looking at one of our main characters 'Nana' and described what we knew about her on the outside of the human outline and what her thoughts and feelings were in the inside of the outline. The children were able to use a lot of our newly learnt feeling words, which was amazing. The most used one for this character was 'grateful'.


Today we had a Maths workshop run by HSBC. The children learnt the importance of budgeting planning a birthday party as an example. The value of money was discussed and the children learnt how to set up a budget.


This week we had our Empathy Day. We read a few stories and discussed questions about what empathy means and how we can be more empathetic. Each child created an empathy resolution bunting, which is now hanging in our dining hall. We also followed a live You Tube clip 'Draw with Bob' and the children created a beautiful 'Karma Lama'.

In DT we started our new topic 'Textiles'. We will be creating our own finger puppets next week and hand puppets in the following lessons. This week we explored the magic of hand and finger puppets and the children happily explored a range of puppets.


Last week we finished with our Art unit 'sculptures'. The children created beautiful flower pots that are currently drying in our classroom. We can't wait to share them with your on Thursday during our 'Learn and Share' morning.


This week we have started with our Maths unit 'Fractions'. The children were confidently sorting one half, one third and one quarter of amounts and shapes.

Please find below the link to the Year 2 presentation from last week.

Today we have been looking at the British artist William Morris and his repetitive pattern work. The children then had a go at creating a repetitive design themselves. What an amazing outcome. They were all amazing!

Computing - Creating Pictures William Morris


In Science we have been looking at the life cycle of a plant and acting out the different stages before finishing the work in their books. They thoroughly enjoyed turning from a seed to a plant.

During our assembly today I introduced the children to optical art and suggested an art project for home. If you would like to be creative with your child to create a piece of optical art....


We only returned this week but we have been really busy already. On Thursday we had a PE-Science-Orienteering activity and thankfully beautiful sunshine while we were doing it. What a treat! On Friday we started our new Art topic - Sculptures. We looked at what sculptures are, the sizes and materials. We saw some very unusual designs. Our vocabulary of the day was 'imagination'. The children then had a go at junk modelling an animal. The team work was amazing and they all pulled together. I was so proud of them!


Today we had our DT DAY! It was amazing. One entire day of soup!!!

We started off with looking at different utensils for cutting, peeling, grating, whisking and mashing potatoes.  That was a lot of potatoes!!! The children recorded which techniques they found easy or difficult. After break we continued with soup testing. The children had to judge 5 different soups on smell, taste, texture and appearance. It came as a surprise to most of them that the Lentil Soup was 'okay' despite its appearance. After our lunch break we compared two recipes, trying to find out what ingredients the soups had in common. Then we made a potato soup in small groups, and the children were able to decide which of the ingredients they wanted to include (potatoes, onions, butter, vegetable stock, cream and parsley) No one went for the parsley! Mrs Doyle then speed cooked the soup, the children were able to blitz it and then tried it. The majority of children absolutely loved the soup. After the testing - or better finishing the soup off they evaluated our class soup. A the end of the day they designed their own soup, including  all the ingredients they wanted to turn into a soup  and finally they designed  their own soup tin label! What a day!!!

Maybe you can encourage your child to cook you a soup from scratch over the holidays. Don't forget to send in a photo!


Today is World Book Day - and the children brought in some amazing art work. It is great to see all the creativity! Thank you for supporting your child with this task.


Today we had our Shared Assembly and the children were fantastic. They worked so hard over the past weeks, learning their lines and the songs. Fabulous!


Thank you to all the parents who were able to come and participate in our Learn & Share morning. The children absolutely enjoyed showing you what they have been learning over the past weeks. We demonstrated

  • our art skills: emotions and emojis
  • our literacy skills: up-levelling simple sentences
  • our computing skills: asking simple yes and no questions 
  • our science skills: sorting animals into their habitats
  • our science skills: creating food chains



In Science we have been investigating the question if 'older children always have bigger feet'. We took foot prints from children across the school during our last circle time. In class we measured them, working precisely with our rulers and discussing our results and how 'fair' our test actually was. We then decided that one can't make the statement that older children always have the bigger feet, so we decided that maybe not the age is the deciding factor but the height of a person... and this is how our next question of enquiry developed.... conclusion to follow......


This week we have started our new Literacy unit 'Monsters'. We will be creating our own 'Owner's guide to monsters'. We have been working on writing explanations these past days. Today the children worked on an experiment which, tomorrow, they will be writing down as an explanation on 'How to do conduct the experiment'. They were all given the same equipment and had to come up with a way without touching the marble!


We've had a busy week so far. Yesterday we worked on our binary tree asking relevant questions that can be answered with 'yes' and 'no'. This followed on from last weeks lesson of 'Guess Who'. The children loved it, especially working on their table!.

On Tuesday we couldn't have our PE lesson outside in the MUGA as usual, so we worked on our 'Speed Stacking' techniques. We watched some videos and off we went. So much fun!. This was followed by a lovely art lesson, focussing on our observational drawing skills incorporating our sketching techniques from last week.


We have been busy this week ... exploring our 'swamp' classroom and our senses. What can you hear/see/feel/smell/taste in a swamp. The children went on a senses/vocabulary walk around our classroom and collected words. From these collected words they wrote a picture description.

This morning we had our first poetry morning. Children practised the poem 'Walking with my iguana' from our whole class reading session. Some volunteered to present it to the class. Well done!

I'm Walking with my Iguana performed live by Brian Moses at Battle Library East Sussex.

A short clip of Brian Moses performing Walking with My Iguana from the Walking with my Iguana book launch October 2019. More clips from the event to follow....


Today we started our new Literacy topic 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. The children absolutely loved the story and we had interesting discussions. If you would like to have a look at it, follow the below link.



Based on the award winning book "Tuesday" by David Weisner


Welcome back Robins! I hope you had a restful holiday. Thank you very much  for Mrs Doyle's and my cards and presents.

Today was our first day back and we started it with a scientific afternoon. We went into St Peter's woodland area and explored microhabitats. The children enjoyed exploring and finding all sorts of mini beasts. Back in classroom the children created an information poster using researched knowledge to add to their poster.


It is the last day of the term - time flew by so quickly. We had our lovely Christmas Party yesterday with Arts & Crafts and musical games.


This week we had our amazing 'Superstar' Christmas production!! However, we were still able to (almost) complete our DT project with a whole DT project day. The children experimented with building a toy car out of tissue paper boxes and cardboard and (lots and lots of) masking tape!.

They then designed their car and decided which material was most suitable. Here we recapped our previous Science units 'Materials'.

The children then started their sawing project and assembling their toy car for Santa. It is a truly amazing project and everyone enjoyed it! 



This morning was our 'silly sentence SPAG' lesson again.....


This week we have been practising  our Christmas production. Slowly it looks like a production. The children are really good with remembering their timings by now and the songs sound much better. From next week onwards scripts will be banned and that will help with the focus on acting. We will also start introducing actions for songs and dance steps.

In Literacy we have been working on our poem 'lnto the Blue' by Hilda Offen. The children have shown some great imagination during our work.

During our SPAG lessons we have been creating silly sentences with our daily spelling words:

'The gnome held a sign which had a design that tod you to campaign to resign. (Sinan)

'Today I assigned home work for Mrs Feind and I put a sign on her door so she knew a gnome said hello.' (Ada)

'The gnome ran to the sign and the sign hit him so he resigned to the sign!' (Tristan)


Today we had our 'Anti-Bullying Workshop' presented by Perform.

We discussed the 4 forms of bullying: physical, verbal, social and cyberbullying and the children had a lively discussion about the terms bullying vs banter.


Then we all learnt the 'Anti-Bullying-Rap':


Always show respect and try a wave or some smiles,

Start a chain of kindness it will travel miles and miles.


Think before you speak and always bear in mind,

You can brighten someone's day by simply being kind.


There is a way to stop a bully haven't your heard,

All it takes is to spread one kind word.


During our Maths lesson we added multiples of 10 and tried to see who can get closest to 100 with addition or subtraction. The children through a bean bag on a number dart board and applied their addition and subtraction skills.


Today we had our Learn and Share morning and it was amazing how many parents were able to come. The classroom was bursting! Everyone had a great time. We had two science experiments on offer, one art project: collage, a computer coding activity and a maths activity with placing numbers on different number lines.



Today was our GFOL workshop. It was amazing. A big thank you to all the parent helpers coming today. The children learnt so much again in a fun filled day.


This week we had a special treat: We had an orienteering activity lesson which the children enjoyed tremendously! We will be working with our new found skills throughout the year within our curriculum. 


Today we (at least most of us) finished their collage in Art. We took a double lesson to make sure we have enough time. Below are pictures showing the entire sequence of this unit.

The children chose a landscape and annotate it with all the necessary information. The next lesson we worked on mixing all the colours each of us needed for their specific landscape and creating their individual collage paper. Then the children had a go at sketching their landscape using tracing paper. Today we finished our final piece! They look amazing!


This week we have been working on our collage in Art. The children chose a landscape photograph and traced it on tracing paper. Then they needed to 'scribble' over the backside of their traced landscape. Finally we then transferred the traced picture in their books. The entire class was so focussed while working it was amazing. 



This week we learnt about Saint Alban in History. At the beginning of the lesson we were time detectives and tried to find out which influential person's story was displayed in our class room. Following our mystery museum walk we watched a short animated film about Alban and why he is considered England's first saint. The children then reenacted Alban's story. 


We have had a very busy week again this week. We have started our first Literacy unit 'Frog and the Stranger' and the children are enjoying our 'Word of the Day' which were explorer, anxious, suspicious and curious so far this week. In history we have discussed Rosa Parks and how important it is to stand up for ones believes.  In PE we have pretended to be the flames from the Great Fire of London and improvised the movements of flames with our body. In our spelling lesson we have created a silly sentence with as many 'ee' sounds as the children could come up with. They came up with amazing sentences.


Welcome to Year 2 Robins!

The children have made a good start and settled well into our daily routines. In Literacy  we have been working on picture descriptions focusing on nouns and adjectives (ask your child if they remember our learnt chant) and in Maths we dived right into our first lessons working on our number knowledge, doubles and number bonds to 10. We have also started with our History topic, Influential People, and Art topic, Collage; Florence Nightingale and Robin Brooks were our focus this week..
