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Positive, Caring, Inclusive

Headteacher's Awards

Friday 19th April 2024

Positive, Caring, Inclusive

This week we are focusing on maths


Year 1 Foxes

Addalynn shows her good understanding of maths every lesson. She uses it to support the other children, and is a super learning partner.

Alex is nominated because it is lovely to see how much Alex thoroughly enjoys maths. He is really good at spotting patterns and explaining his reasoning.


Year 1 Rabbits

Felix is nominated for independently measuring length, capacity and weight this week using  rulers, jugs, scales and 10g weights.  He clearly explained his estimations and showed great perseverance throughout.  

Sofia C is nominated for using scales, rulers and measuring jugs to successfully measure weight, length and capacity with her partner in all lessons.  She used the correct mathematical vocabulary at all times, explained what she was doing and recorded the measurements well.  


Year 2 Robins

Fatima has made amazing progress in Maths over the last weeks. She practises her Doodle Maths daily at home and her recall from previously taught units has improved tremendously. This now also shows in her daily work as she can apply new concepts immediately.

Orestis has been showing great attention to detail during our most recent Maths lessons. This week we have been working on Maths problems, repeated addition and multiplication. He took his time to read the maths problem, create a bar model and to add the number sentence correctly.


Year 2 Owls

Lily has taken great care with the presentation of her work and trying her best to stay focused on the task more in lessons.

Sienna has continued to grow in confidence with her maths and has given excellent explanations of how to work out worded multiplication questions using bar models.


Year 3 Otters

Georgii has constant enthusiasm for Maths. He watches demonstrations so carefully so that he is able to follow the processes and find his answer.

Emily listens brilliantly to feedback enabling her to complete extension tasks successfully.


Year 3 Wrens

Naomi is nominated for applying her knowledge of her times tables to multiply multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers. 
Denis is nominated for working hard multiplying by 10 using place value. 


Year 4

Amren is nominated for explaining the distributive law in incredible detail!

Holly has shown fantastic resilience when multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers this week! 


Year 5

Sophie tirelessly works hard to understand and explain various methods, and improving her written explanations in Maths.

Harvey tries hard to accurately use a protractor to measure angles this week, and perseveres when having to re-measure.


Year 6

Ben has worked very hard on his Maths this year and has a much more organised approach to his learning. His work now fully reflects his understanding. He is also always willing to ask for help with anything tricky and then applies his new learning with greater confidence.

Naseem is an excellent role model in Maths. He has a conscientious approach to all tasks and now takes greater care over the organisation of his workings.  


Welcome back to the Summer Term!